Artificial Intelligence….

Parag. Walavalkar
Global Intersection
2 min readJul 31, 2016

Every change in technology brings different point of view of different people. Some might say it has positive aspect and some might say it has con’s. Some may say it has both. However, I like to put it across as different people and their different point of views. When the internet revolution began some years back some welcomed it as something new to learn while some did not want to change hence learning the new technology was left alone and so on. The way that technology is shifting gears in recent years if you are not into it you are left alone that’s what I feel. We are so much surrounded by technology today right from laptops, smart tv’s and not to miss our smart phones. If you don’t have a smart TV but it has an HDMI slot not a problem buy a Google chrome cast, android tv box or apple tv box and it can transform into a smart device.

So you must be wondering what exactly is he trying to reach at. The point I am trying to make is where does this rapid evolution of new technologies take us and are we ready for it. Is it going to lead us for making our life more convenient or is it going to make us more lazy and unfit. Is it going to help us get jobs or is it going to leave us jobless there are endless discussions, agreements and disagreements to it.

Google acquired Deep mind in early 2014. Deep mind was founded by Demis Hassabis, Shane Legg and Mustafa Suleyman in London 2010. Together they have developed the first computer program 'AlphaGo’ to ever beat a professional player at the game of go. The game of ‘Go’ originated in China. It is a game of profound complexity. There are more possible positions in 'Go' than there are atoms in the universe.

This game does not always have calculated moves at times if you ask a go player that why did he make a particular move in the game. He would say that I felt like making the move rather than explaining any calculations behind it.

In March 2016 ‘AlphaGo' won 4–1 against the legendary ‘Lee Sedol’, the top Go player in the world over the past decade. The basic principle implemented in this technology is that it gets better and better at tasks the more it performs it. Till it reaches a level of perfection and constantly pushing the limits of perfection.

Imagine this program being implemented in your professional life. Let’s take for example an doctor’s profession. If this program is able to do those complex heart surgeries or eye operations flawlessly. Would we require doctors in the near future to perform these tasks? Examples and possibilities are numerous. Are we ready to face such a change is the question of the hour?

Please do mention your views on this blog.



