Parag. Walavalkar
Global Intersection
3 min readAug 11, 2016


Technology Unemployment Future Unknown…….

Technology is evolving every second each minute every single day. There is no escaping from this advancement. The great minds that had anticipated technology changes to happen over a decade is shaping into reality in this generation itself. Amazon which is one of the biggest online retailer has got kiva robots. These robots help the employees to get the stack of the stock required for them so that the employees can pick the required goods. These robots can lift weights up to 750 pounds and can transport it from one place to the other within the warehouse. They are able to find the right items from the 21 million items that are located within the warehouse. There are robots that also helps in packing the products. Google and Deep mind have developed an Artificial Intelligence programme which learns of perfecting at a task by doing it better each time it performs it. Or probably the supercomputer that IBM has created named ‘Watson’.

This can be termed as smart robotics or artificial intelligence. I really am a technology lover and really appreciate the fact that we are making such great advancement in field of technology so fast and accurately. I am more concerned about the policies that need to be formed around it well in advance. It is just like we crying to plant more trees when we cut those in the name of development some years back. As they say prevention is always better that cure.

In one of my previous organization we used knowledge base. It was kind of a central repository of all the informative data that employees used to contribute to. The contribution was with regards to the knowledge that employees have implemented in solving a technical concern that the clients might have faced. Each different scenario or rare concerns that the clients faced was documented along with the solution provided. I really believe in the concept as knowledge is power. Sharing the same makes it grow. It certainly helps faster resolution in solving the similar kind of concern if it arises in the near future. It helps the organisation to grow in terms of efficiency, performance and revenue too.

I am more interested about its futuristic approach and the results that would reap how much beneficial would that prove? And towards whose benefit is my main question? What is going to be the scenario when these robots or the Artificial intelligence will come into picture. All it would take is to make a programme that would utilise all this freely available data of knowledge and use it according to the requirements. What about the employees that have contributed from so many years towards building of the data? What about the thousands of jobs that would be taken over by these AI programmes? Looking at the AI created by Google and Deep Mind named ‘GO’, the future will very soon be present. The policies framed at that time would be in the favour of business as always.

I am not sure about a solution for it. But there should be some policies to be formed around it for sure. Just for thought, like the articles that are been contributed by the employees towards any organisations knowledgebase. Should the employees be given royalties for every time their solution is being used to resolve a client concern even after the employee is no longer employed with the organisation? Should there be a percentage of automation that needs to be decided within the organisation? What about the people that would get unemployed over the future would the country respective governments fund this unemployment by taxing these businesses more on the profits that they make? These questions questioned now will help at least some of us humans to get employment in the near future which is so unknown……….

Please do let me know your comments and your suggestions by mentioning the same below this blog. I would certainly try to answer those as much as possible.


