20 Reasons Why Should You Not Work Late Nights?

Amit Singh
Blog — Global Jobs Network LLC
5 min readJun 27, 2017
Reasons Why Should We Not Work Late Nights

Late Night Working can Hamper Your Mind and Body Equally!

With advancement of technology, there has been many a lifestyle change that has crept into our lives. One of them that have majorly affected us is working late nights. It is not something new, as researchers, artists and painters have burnt a lot of midnight oil coming up with some of their precious works over ages. But today, it is more widespread with more people going into late night mode. By affecting more number of people, it is somehow getting into the shape of a hidden epidemic!

Working late night shifts hurt us in more than one ways. It disrupts our biological body clock that is generally in sync with the Nature and the Sun since we are born! Our digestion and sleep are the first affected, followed by metabolism rate. Faulty lifestyle triggered by late working hours can trigger in us many fatal diseases like diabetes, blood sugar and pressure, and even cancer! There can be lack of focus or concentration, hearing and eyesight problems as well!

Let us go through the possible threats of late working timings for a better understanding:

1. The first thing affected is sleep. You need at least seven hours of deep sleep, and if you are a late night worker, the day’s noises and disturbances may make you unable to have that much sleep needed.

2. Once the sleep is affected, the digestion too suffers from problem. Lack of sleep can cause frequent indigestion, thus affecting your health very much.

3. Less sleep can also result in reducing your appetite. This is linked to indigestion, which may be a major cause for it. As a result, you suffer all the more.

4. The metabolism is affected largely. Destructive metabolism may surpass the constructive one in the body, and thus, you may start losing weight!

5. Graveyard shifts can result in having poor effect on your external appearance too! You may develop dark circles around the eyes due to stress. Also, you may look less fresh and damp.

6. Your skin may lose the glow and there can be more of dry skins appearing on your lips and face. Dark spots are enhanced on the face too.

7. Effects of late night shifts extend up to health hazards and accidents too! Workers in factories and mines need to be very alert all the time in order to maintain not only the process parameters but also their own safety. Many times it has been seen that lack of alertness, which are common in the wee hours of night, has been a major cause of labour accidents.

8. In medical profession too, this has had serious consequences. There have been many reported cases of pushing wrong drugs and medicines to the patients at night by the working nurses. You can blame lack of concentration and alertness resulting from late night hours majorly for these fatal mishaps.

9. Another result of late working woos is road accident. A number of road accidents, it has been studied and researched, results from lack of proper sleep. While driving, the driver feels sleepy and causes accident. Late night workers can be a victim of such cases very often.

10. Working late night shifts can bring in rift in the family too! You have reduced time for the family, as during the day, you are asleep while in the evening, you are preoccupied with thoughts of work! Thus, your family gets less of you, and you, less of your family!

11. Lack of time to family and especially your partner, can have serious consequences. It can result in infidelity, division of loyalty of the partner and can even lead to divorces!

12. Sex life is essential to all. Working at nights can hamper this to a large extent. Working of sex organs is largely governed by sleep. Sleep deficiency can result in their malfunctioning, leading to impotency and infertility!

13. Problems in sex life can affect your family and marriage too! It can lead your partner towards infidelity and can bring you on the verge of divorce too!

14. By being a night dweller, you can lose contact socially. You lose contact with friends, family members and relatives. This can make you a socially isolated being!

15. Many of the things happening that you did not want to, like health, sex life and social problems are enough to get you into deep depression! This can jeopardize your life and can also lead towards suicidal tendencies!

16. Security and police officers given excess of night duties have been revealed by research to get more into depression. Many of barrack suicides and killings are results of such things!

17. If you are a creative person, graveyard shifts may help you complete your job on time, but can hamper the quality. The mind can be under stress, and thus, less creative! Hence, you may not get the quality you desire!

18. Among students, waking up late nights during exams can have serious consequences! They may lack concentration and focus in exam hall, and in spite of the hard work, may fare poorly!

19. Among students, late night studying can result in health woos too! They may suffer from indigestion, poor metabolism and lack of attention too!

20. Late working hours can leave you with a bad mood all the day, both in adults and students. You enjoy life less and are too bogged down with the pressure of life!

Life is one, and to enjoy it to the fullest is a primary objective for every individual! Late night awakening occasionally for sudden needs are OK, but continual habit can dampen your life’s flavor! So What would you like to do- drag on or enjoy it?

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Amit Singh
Blog — Global Jobs Network LLC

Digital Marketer at @JustDotJobs and @xoxotours #DigitalMarketing #SEO #PPC #Contentmarketing