20 Small But Effective Health Habits at Work Place

Sitaram Madhukar
Blog — Global Jobs Network LLC
4 min readJun 19, 2017
Small & easy habits at the workplace can help you maintain your health.

In average a working person spends almost 40 hours of the entire week in office which is often stressful and draining. If you have a sitting job and ready access to canteen then this is definitely going to lead in weight gain, incorrect postures and terrible back or neck pains. Even if you are working for your own organization the daunting jobs leave you with a series of diseases like diabetes, high cholesterol, muscular problems, obesity and high blood pressure. Many institutes are taking note of the deteriorating state of health and providing facilities for maintaining the well-being of employees. But apart from these ventures you can receive escape from the working side effects of practicing some healthy habits that are beneficial for the long run.

  1. Sleep Tight
    Full 7 to 8 hours of sleep could do wonders for your health and productivity at the workplace. The sound sleep of this duration would also contribute in shedding those extra pounds off your body.
  2. Coffee at Bay
    Your offices are studded with the vending coffee machines that offer a perfect break temptation. But the caffeine even if acts as a stimulant it also causes dehydration of the body. Habit yourself to restrict coffee consumption up to 2 cups throughout the day.
  3. Ergonomics
    To ensue correct postures, check the positions of your workplace equipments such as chair, monitor and bring them to the favorable heights.
  4. Lunch Box
    The office canteen offers you most non-healthy options that are high in calories and fats. Make it a point to bring a healthy lunch from home at least three times during the week.
  5. Move Up
    Exercising in the morning is a perfect healthy habit that would reduce side effects of your sedentary job. Start with a small walk to a nearby park and practice some basic yoga for flexibility.
  6. Take the Stair Route
    Instead of elevators take the stairs to reach your destination as it makes huge and instant difference in your weight and body statistics.
  7. Secret of Water
    This habit works in a long run and keeps your body sufficiently hydrated throughout the day. Keep a water bottle right at your desk and take a sip when you notice it during work.
  8. Work at Home
    After coming to home all you want to do is sit in your comfortable couch and watch television. But after following a sitting day it’s time to get somewhat active at night. You can do this by cooking food, cleaning, walking around etc.
  9. Visitors Terrace
    This may sound a dumb activity but it really helps in rejuvenating your body. Choose a time during the day and make it to the terrace to get a boost of fresh air.
  10. Set Boundaries
    It is good to work with dedication but it is also important to limit yourself from extra functioning. Set time boundaries for work unless you have urgent tasks at hand.
  11. Stretching
    In order to prevent developing new pains around back, lower back, neck and other regions practice regular stretching. Use your mobile to set timers every 30 minutes. Stand at your position and perform back, front as well as side stretches.
  12. Roam Around
    Even if your job does not-consist regular bench work you need to take frequent breaks and roam around. If you are under surveillance you can visit bathrooms at regular intervals to shift the continual position and formation of incorrect postures.
  13. Go Green
    If you desire a boost of energy during hectic work hours then prefer healthy green tea instead of coffee. Green tea is a booster pack of antioxidants and helps in alleviating work inflicted diseases like cholesterol problems etc.
  14. Include Fruits
    In order to manage your weight you need to incorporate 5 servings of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. To complete this quota, bring fruits with your tiffin and have them according to your preference.
  15. Deflect Nicotine
    If you yearn to remain energetic throughout the day then stub the cigarette buds. These are actually giving you stress and toxicity than performing any good for your energy levels.
  16. Pack Snacks
    If you feel exhausted during evening keep a packet of almonds and some low fat biscuits with you as these provide the necessary power to carry on.
  17. Eye Exercises
    Software employees are forced to look at monitor constantly that often causes strain and other eye problems. After consecutive work take a few minutes and perform eye exercises like rolling, side viewing etc to overcome tiredness.
  18. Distance with Printer
    To enhance the activity of your body during work, you can place the printer in a far distance so that you need to stand and walk every time to reach it.
  19. Wrist Flex
    Practice wrist flexes with some weight to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome and other joint problems.
  20. Work-Life Balance
    Attain perfect work life balance and leave your office tensions when you step inside the house. Make efforts to spend quality time with your kids and family members as this would render immense joy and pleasure in return.

You may make as many as such small healthy habits to be more effective at maintaining a better health.

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Sitaram Madhukar
Blog — Global Jobs Network LLC

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