Between Champagne Showers & Poppin’ Bottles, Dom Perignon Stands Alone!

Christina Jaouhari
Global Luxury Management


WARNING: champagne consumption will occur

Imagine yourself at a five-star restaurant in Italy. You are sitting at the edge of a balcony looking out to the Mediterranean Sea, with a bottle of Dom Perignon at your side. In addition to an enormous plate of lobster, your custom designed yacht is docked in the distance. Do you have that image in your head?

Now picture Hollywood Jesus, rocking Dr. Dre Beats, walking into a room and shining light to the holy champagne that will save LFMAO from the vampires attacking. That videoclip was the birthplace of what we know today as, Champagne Showers.

In today’s society champagne is no longer what it used to mean, the life of a champagne bottle has three distinct paths:

1. People will pay $10,000 at daylight Vegas party to be showered with the finest champagne. And yes, to answer your doubts, this is a thing. Oh, and also, umbrellas are included in the charge.

2. A bottle of champagne should make the holy champagne cut and be on tour with LFMAO, taking their champagne showers around the globe.

3. Champagne can even have the honor of being poured onto lil’ Wayne’s Samsung phone for a series of 30-second commercials.

You might be asking what happened to that image along the Mediterranean, where does that exist in life?

It’s right here, pinned to one of my Pinterest boards. It lies somewhere between my personal styling board and future wedding collage. It is stuck in some fantasy realm of what I envision my dream life to be.

I could not help but wonder, is this what the elegance of sparkling wine has come down to, a mere Pinterest picture of imagination? What happened to the elegance, the magic, and the class? I want to live through the classic advertisements with sketched models and champagne sipping.

However, the closest thing I could find in today’s society is the #KimKaradashian version…

I found myself puzzled by the reality I face, perhaps even more puzzled by the vampires and champagne combination. I quickly became determined to find some hope in the world! I am nowhere near to being a Hollywood Jesus, but I found something just as powerful, Dom Perignon.

Dom Perignon

The Heritage

“Come quickly I am tasting the stars!” — Dom Pierre Perigean

Dom Pierre Perignon, a French Benedictine monk, was sent to Abbaye Saint-Pierre d’Hautvillers to become a cellarer. Under his watch, the vineyard expanded and transformed. Perignon would have never known the significance his concoction made on modern day society. What he saw as sparkling wine, created the champagne industry.

The brand was a concept brought together by an Englishman, Laurence Venn. The brand was proposed as vintage champagne. The first bottle of Dom Perignon 1921 was for sale in 1936. Since the first sale, Dom Perignon has been incorporated in royal lifestyles. The brand, Dom Perignon, is produced by Moet & Chandon. Currently, it falls under the larger conglomerate, LVMH.

The Socialite

Dom Perignon has an impactful presence on Instagram, Facebook and their personal blog. The brand has well established itself in virtual environment of its clients. The social footprint is consistent with the brand’s image and vision. Content varies among each platform; however, all outlets piece together into a cohesive feel of class and elegance.

The brand’s Instagram account is home of 455 posts. The account has 273k followers, but only following 30. The Dom Perignon Facebook page has 384,935 likes. In addition, the brand uses Tumbler to increase engagment on their blog posts and images. Among all of these platforms, content was developed and designed on a regular basis. Each post was no more than a day apart, at times, a few hours. As of now, Dom Perignon has absolutely no affiliation with Pinterest, Youtube, or Linkedin.

In addition to the pre-established social media platforms, Dom Perignon houses its own blog site, “Creating Dom Perignon.” It consists of an array of components from the Manifesto to the Social Chronicles. The Social Chronicles section collects and filters content that are posted by fans of the brand on either Instagram, Twitter or their blog. The blog provides a creative edge to the meaning of luxury, connecting all vitual engagement of the brand into a comprehensive vision.

Maybe the future is filled with champagne showers, Kardashians, and the push for champagne resistant cellphones. However, as long as there is Don Perignon, I will continue to sip on my champagne along with a plate of perfectly arranged chocolate covered strawberries. On the other hand, others will be paying $10,000 to be drenched with the finest champagne. What would you choose?

This post was created as part of the Global Luxury Management Program at the NC State Poole School of Management. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

