Cartier girl’s

Bach Salao
Global Luxury Management
2 min readSep 20, 2016

Cartier is a timelessness brands. In a slowing down sector, Cartier is one of the only brands which has a sales growth. This success comes from products but also from transmitted values. Thanks to its history and brand name, Cartier attracts year by year new consumers. Here is the portrait of one of them.

Mary has just turned 30 . Last year , she married her fiance Matt who is 32 years old . They both live in a loft in Brooklyn. They are yuppies.
After studying communications in London, Mary followed Matt to the United States. She did not hesitate for a second. Living in New York was one of her greatest dreams. In New York, she works for Domani Studio.

Her life is quite simple. At 30, she has what she always wanted : an apartment in New York, a husband, a job in communication, friends and Cartier jewelry. Since her childhood, Mary has a passion for Cartier jewelry. She saw her grandmother and her mother wore it. Her first bracelet was offered by Matt during their 3rd birthday. She remember as if it was yesterday. For her, Cartier means classism. Unlike other brands, Cartier has never followed the trends. It means the same thing regardless of the generations. Her feeling for Cartier has clearly been influenced by her mother who is also an absolute fan of the brand.

Since the iconic Mansion on Fifth Avenue opens its doors once again, Mary projects to buy more Cartier jewelry.
In general, Mary owns many luxury items from different brands. For her clothes, she likes to go shopping with friends and discover new brands. She’s not really loyal to a specific brand. She likes discovering and learning. However for jewelry, Cartier is the only brand that matters. Mary bought two items per year. They are her favorite moments. The feeling is unique and she finds it nowhere else.

And that’s why she don’t want to go anywhere else.

This post was created as part of the Global Luxury Management Program at the NC State Poole School of Management. All thoughts and opinions are my owns and reflect my personal point of view.

