High Fashion, High Chocolate Passion

Kristin Freeman
Global Luxury Management
4 min readSep 20, 2016

I bet you didn’t think the career-driven fashionistas pinned all over our #goals Pinterest boards actually indulge in chocolate treats too. Well, they do…GUILT=GONE.


With idealized social media and advertising campaigns around every corner, we can’t help but aspire to live those seemingly flawless lifestyles that brands constantly market to the average consumer. “How can I look like that girl?”, media-influenced women are often left thinking. We are led to believe that the beautiful, Pinterest-worthy inspirers we see on a regular basis eat nothing but kale, attend hot yoga daily, and run 7 miles without breaking a sweat, but that just isn’t true. We are all human, and with that comes a chocolate sweet tooth that not even someone with immense self control can ignore. (p.s. If you are one of “those” claiming that “I don’t like chocolate at all. It’s easy to cut out of my diet.”…please stop.)

Meet Sophie.


Sophie is a 27-year-old thriving public relations Account Executive for French West Vaughan at their Raleigh Headquarters location. Sophie is married to 29-year-old Ryan, who is an Investment Banker for Wells Fargo. They do not currently have children, but plan to in the next few years. They live in a cozy two bedroom ranch in the Country Club Hills neighborhood.

At first glance, Sophie is a perfect reflection of a chic, trendy, young professional woman, leaving social media users buzzing with wardrobe and lifestyle envy, but they do not have the entire picture. Even though Sophie does have a fashion-forward image, there is more to Sophie than meets the eye that brands must fully understand if they are to successfully target her as a potential customer.

With a passion for marketing and brand building that extends beyond the office, Sophie enjoys blogging in her free time in order to strengthen her personal brand and build skills and experience she can apply to her career. Sophie has a sincere, kind nature, and therefore loves gift giving. Whether it’s friends, coworkers, neighbors, or small surprises for her husband, she finds joy in making others feel valued. This desire to seek opportunity to make others smile is a reflection of the same commitment she has to her career. When asked about her caring nature, Sophie would explain that her constant customer and client focus at work pours into how she views others in her personal life outside of work.

Others are always at the forefront of Sophie’s mind, but she is not afraid to relax and serve her own desires and interests too. She enjoys traveling with her husband, Ryan, as well as seeing friends for dinners and happy hours. When socializing is not as attractive of an option, Sophie is not ashamed to simply spend time at home on her couch. This entails lounging in the best comfort Lululemon has to offer while treating herself to chocolate desserts and sipping the Chianti Classico that her Italian travels have taught her to love. Her diverse interests and daily activities have allowed Sophie to understand what balance in her life makes her truly happy. This sense of self-awareness is why she decided to start her blog because it allows her to share her personal insights with whoever may be interested. This personal connection with readers is why many brands have started to partner with the influencer/blogger community, and Sophie could aspire to use her blog for that purpose in the future, maybe even for Godiva.

Keeping Sophie’s genuine, giving nature in mind, I believe she would make a perfect target consumer for a Godiva holiday marketing campaign. Not only does she see the value in giving to others, but she also remembers to enjoy the little things that make her happy as well, and chocolate is always a good fit to fill both of those two reasons to buy. If Godiva could form a bond and connection with Sophie as a customer, she is the personality type that would share this positive relationship with others in her direct sphere of influence.

This post was created as part of the Global Luxury Management Program at the NC State Poole School of Management. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

