I went to NYC and all I got was this dumb selfie

Christopher Arcara
Global Luxury Management
4 min readOct 14, 2016

Okay maybe more than one…

In front of the London Hotel, Midtown NYC
7:17am in the air RDU to LGA

The 5:00AM wake-up call wasn’t the issue; the fact that I had just gone to bed three hours beforehand was the issue. Working, and then doing laundry, and then packing until two o’clock left me a bit groggy on Tuesday morning but my suit was pressed and I was debuting my French Connection UK sweater-button-down henley shirt that I bought myself for my birthday. Perfect for a quick flight from RDU to LGA — mainly because you don’t have to tuck the shirt in and you’ll still look fly.

The schedule upon landing was a tad intimidating but the energy that New York City offered, even in the airport, seemed to have energized me. However, it could have been the coffee that I also purchased but I’m not convinced. Our first stop was the hotel for about an hour before we headed to our first company, Wealth-X. Just enough time to whip out the ironing board and make sure the rest of my suits and shirts are ready for the week, also ironing is like crack to me. Wealth-X was a beautiful office with an amazing amount of data involving the world’s wealthiest individuals. Their presentation was based specifically on the yachting industry, and how marketers and engineers can use their data to attract high-earners whom are shopping for super-yachts. It was also nice to put a face to a company who is always giving input into the Luxury Daily journals that I read through my email every morning.

Fabric samples from Kravet Inc.

Next was Kravet Inc., a textiles and fabrics design studio. This company was very interesting, but admittedly not somewhere that I saw myself working in the future. However, I respect the craftsmanship behind the creation of these fabrics and also the fact that the heritage of their company was rooted deeply within the Kravet family.

On the second day of our Study Tour, I was unfortunate enough to miss the Ritz Carlton presentation but fortunate enough to be a student speaker to the Global Luxury Management Board of Executives. The added face-time with our public speaking coach and the exposure to some of the top industry executives was invaluable. The board meeting was held at The Boston Consulting Group, where we had an additional networking event and presentation the next afternoon.

The Boston Consulting Group

The Boston Consulting Group was an impressive space, which come-to-find-out was no longer going to be their space within the next few months as they are switching office buildings in New York City. We started the BCG presentation with a small networking event (the networking event at STK Midtown the prior night went very well and I made some amazing contacts in the industries that I’d like to start a career in after the program.) Jim Brennan, a partner with BCG was incredibly impressive. As law school graduate and a professional with immense experience in multiple fields, he was well-spoken and a great role model for anyone looking to get into the consulting industry.

The Peninsula Hotel also offered to have the Global Luxury Management program for a tour of their facility. I have been in nice hotels before, but the suite that we toured was one of the nicest places I have ever been in. The Peninsula prides themselves with having the best integrated technology, the most luxurious spaces, and also the most knowledgeable staff on how to please their high-profile guests. The amount of thought and preparation that goes into each and every day at the Peninsula was inspiring.

The Peninsula Hotel

Overall, I found the NYC Study Tour extremely beneficial. The connections that I made through networking and information interviews were strong and I plan to utilize them throughout the rest of the program and also while starting a career. New York City is a global hub for the luxury industry and I saw firsthand that the opportunities are endless.

Me posing with a banana on the streets of NYC

