Like Herding Cattle…kind of?

Content aggregation is the act of combining various types of important or valuable content with a common topic, and reusing it, sometimes for a different purpose. Pinterest is a wonderful example of a type of content aggregation. This platform allows users to aggregate content that they as an individual find valuable into their own created sectors and then share this selected content with those included in their social media circle.

I personally use Pinterest for many different reasons. For one, it is a wonderful way to waste time. It also serves many other valuable purposes. Typically, when I am browsing through the posts of my friends and followers as well as others, I am usually left inspired. I am either inspired to create something, to buy something, or to work towards something. Whether it is a recipe, a photograph of YEEZY2 debuting at NYFW, or an exquisite hotel, it encourages me to do something to make that snapshot a reality.

In terms of branding, marketing, and luxury retail, Pinterest can be an important tool. I know for a fact that my mom has browsed my Pinterest for ideas when they holidays come around. I remember receiving a watch one year as a gift that I remembered “pinning” at some point. I know she is not the only one who does this.

screenshot into my pinning world….

I love using Pinterest as a way to search for gift ideas, and I have to assume there is a majority of people in this world that do the same. This is something luxury companies should manipulate in their marketing ploys. Around the holidays, people will be flooding Pinterest looking for ideas or inspiration for what to give loved ones. A great way for brands to capitalize on this venture would be to flood the platform with relevant content that would encourage users to consider their products when it comes time to give a gift.

As an example, I put together a board of content intended to inspire users to consider Cartier for their holidays. Now, I will say that aggregating this content was not easy. At first, I assumed gathering a bunch of posts that highlight Cartier products and encourage a holiday atmosphere would be a piece of cake. It’s not. All of a sudden, voices started telling me “remember your target audience.” And I thought “who is my target audience? what do they want to see? are they even on Pinterest? is anyone going to see this?” Making sure that I was aggregating content that was not only relevant to my holiday theme and beneficial to brand was one thing, but also making sure it was engaging to my target audience was another variable I knew was the most important to cover. I gained mad respect for people who do this on a normal basis. Entertaining? Sure. Easy? No.

The board I ended up with (and am still working on) contains a mixture of content. There is some User Generated Content highlighting the importance of “real life” connections with consumers. There is some agency content that is pretty and professional. As well as some advocate and/or influencer content that persuades the consumer with articles and passionate proclamations. I firmly believe it is a combination of various types of content, with a relevant theme or topic, centralized on the target audience of the brand or product, that make content aggregation successful and influential on consumer behavior and engagement.


This post was created as part of the Global Luxury Management Program at the NC State Poole School of Management. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

