Global Luxury Management
3 min readSep 1, 2015


The Ritz Carlton and the engagement with social media. A good engagement???

By observing the social media interaction of the famous resort Ritz Carlton, we are able to determine the rate of engagement that the people put in their interaction with the post of the company. As a result, it proves that during the last 10 posts of the Ritz on Facebook, the customers were really active. Indeed, on 569 144 participants, 14 660 interacted one way or another on the last 10 posts. It amount to 2,5% of interaction which is quite important. This can be explained by the end of the holidays where many wants to comment on their trips and their experience in the resort. Moreover, one of the post is about a mobile app for transforming photos into poster which gathered a large quantity of interaction. Considering all these facts, we can conclude that the interaction with the people is quite strong even though the peculiar period we actually are in.

To prove this statement, we can compare this rate of engagement with another from other resorts. For example, the Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts has 2905 interactions on the last 10 posts with 303 519 fans in total which gives a rate of engagement of 0,95%. Even though this rate is usually the norm and is rather good, compared to the one of the Ritz Carlton, this percentage is quite inferior. Furthermore, the time period is the same which proves that the engagement in the social media activity is more important for the Ritz than the Four Seasons.

Finally, we also tried to calculate the rate of engagement of the St Regis Hotels & Resorts. For 4553 interactions and 280 165 fans, we have an engagement of 1,6%. Even though the number of fans are less than the ones of the Four Seasons, the engagement rate is still higher on this time period than the previous resort but less than the Ritz.

From these observations, we can see that the engagement in Facebook by the followers for the Ritz Carlton is more important than his competitors. Moreover, we can also state that the Ritz is engaged in more social media than Facebook like Twitter, Instagram, Youtube or Pinterest. By comparing the number of followers with the other two resorts, we saw that even though the Four Seasons has more followers in some of them, the Ritz is still before it on the total number of them. The St Regis is less important compared to them but also has a fair number of fans and a good rate of engagement from them.

Concerning the Ritz, all social media where it is present seems to have a definite purpose. Indeed, Facebook is dedicated to customer responses and some posts of pictures. On the other hand, Instagram is for posting pictures and doing advertisement and Twitter is a gathering of various news like the brand news. Pinterest and Youtube have respectively lot of events pictured like weddings and the like or lifestyle content, video of cooking with chefs, tennis tips,…

In conclusion, we can state that the Ritz Carlton has a good rate of engagement in the last 10 posts even though this one can be attributed to this period which is at the end of the holidays compared to other resorts. This proves that a group of followers is active on the company’s pages on the social media and thus gives good feedback for it.

This post was created as part of the Global Luxury Management Program at the NC State Poole School of Management. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

