“The Suspects Wore Louboutins”

Alexia Taisson
Global Luxury Management
4 min readSep 10, 2015

Something New, Something Fun, Something Beautiful

Nowadays, any brand that wants to be know has to be on social media. But having a profile on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter isn’t enough. You have to share content. Interesting content. Enough so that your followers will feel the need to share it with their followers, so that your publication gets viral.

Thus, the quality and the variety of the contents a brand is sharing is really important. They have to engage their fans in a different way, something that still has an online/social benefit, but that is also fun.

One brand, that sure does it right is Louboutin. But how do they do it ? How can they engage their fans at the point that thousands of people share their products, advertisements, videos ? That every publication receive such an important enthusiasm from their followers ?

“Hundreds of thousands [of images are] shared to social media by our fans and followers,” “We wanted to give them a home in our world.” Alexis Mourot, group COO and GM of Christian Louboutin

And they sure did… Today, Louboutin was identified in millions of #Hashtags, either on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter. Christian Louboutin has an amazing luxury brand image and consumers and shoppers associate their brand as high-end and aspirational.

One of the followers’ favorite social media at the moment is Instagram. Louboutin has around 5,2 millions followers on the platform.

The content I choose is UGC — Content produced by consumers of a brand or category. And the least we can say, is that Louboutin has created a real community around those posts. Consumers take pictures of their favorite Louboutin’s products, wearing them, at the store, at home… Louboutin even “created a mobile device application, Louboutinize, that allows customers who want to show off their pricey shoewear to take pictures, apply filters and share them directly on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter” (extract from my previous Louboutin’s blog post, “Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world”)

The more these people have followers, the more it will represent a relevant and efficient communication for the brand. This new trend even created new paid opportunities, for bloggers, youtubers…

Another content that collect lots of likes, comments and shares is Community Manager — Content developed by professional community managers.

This kind of content has to be diversified and quite regular, so that followers don’t get bored or annoyed by the brand’s posts.
As they have around 3 millions followers on Facebook, it represents a good opportunity to share content, and get engagement from their followers. The publication I took was published 5 days ago, and have 5673 likes, 425 shares and 157 contents. This represents a 0,21% impression delivery, which is not very high, but some of their publications gets around 1% impression delivery, which is quite big.

Another social network that attract people is Pinterest. It is very useful for brands’ content creation, as it is very easy to find and save content on it. The main motive behind creating this content on Pinterest is to help the consumer imagine their lives with the products, as this platform is commonly used as a lifestyle inspiration recorder.

Pinterest is soooo easy to use, it only takes a few minutes to create and/or save content on a board. Above is a piece of content I created. It is a customed Louboutin board. It is composed with pictures showing products, look inspirations, ads… All these images convey the spirit of the brand, showing that there definitely is a Louboutin Lifestyle,

Creating content is a real job, and is the new way of communicating with your target. Different platforms, different publications, but one 360° way to inspire and engage. So put on your high heels and lipstick, and go conquer the online world !

This post was created as part of the Global Luxury Management Program at the NC State Poole School of Management.



Alexia Taisson
Global Luxury Management

Global Luxury Management Student — NC State / Skema Business School