Expatriate literature may be stocked in the travel section, but does it deserve a shelf of its own?

Anastasia Ashman
Global Niche
Published in
1 min readMay 5, 2015

Wow, Facebook reminds me that 6 years ago I guest hosted a Twitter chat (‪#‎litchat‬ ) on the topic of “Expat Lit”.

As I explained at the time:

“Living for extended periods in foreign locales, expatriates struggle to reestablish themselves and find meaningful access to their new home. Travelers passing through often have the luxury to avoid the very issues of assimilation and identity that dominate the expat psyche.”

During the May 29, 2009 event hosted by Carolyn Burns Bass of LitChat, “we’ll talk about the unique depths this can bring to expat lit’s combination of outsider-view-from-the-inside and journey of self-realization.

You can read the full chat here.



Anastasia Ashman
Global Niche

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