Fellow in Focus: Neeshad Shafi

Executive Director, Arab Youth Climate Movement Qatar, Indian/Qatar

Humanity Lab Foundation
Global People's Summit
4 min readSep 4, 2018


“We only grow when we start taking action. Even though it may be a small step, every step matters!”

Our Global People’s Fellows are a cohort of 45 innovative, action-orientated and visionary individuals from 33 countries around the world. Global People’s Fellows amplify voices, celebrate innovation and drive conversations around international development and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Through our blog series “Global People’s Fellows in Focus” we have been finding out more about what motivates them to reimaginine a world in which every single person is part of the solution to solve some of the world’s most challenging problems.

Neeshad is an environmental educator, speaker, and a social change advocate. He campaigns extensively to raise awareness about climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and currently lives in Doha, Qatar. He has over 5 years of experience in analysing global environmental & climate politics and participated in UNFCCC negotiations. An active member of several global environmental youth groups and contributed actively in international summits related to climate policy, sustainable development goals and youth’s role in development.

It is sometimes hard to believe in goodness when there are so many atrocious events and incidents taking place around the world. Every day we hear about human rights violations, the impacts of climate change, conflict and war. We hear about awful things that are occurring with such alarming frequency. But if you look a little closer you will also find heroes in the world. You will find the people of the world. You will see the potential in who we really are and the power of people to lift each other up. We, the people, can make the world a better place when we act together. Seeing people act selflessly makes us feel connected to one another and reminds us of our shared humanity.

If I could reimagine one challenge in our world today it would be the challenge of climate change. Whether we take the urgent action needed to combat climate change or not will define the future of humanity. Climate action is not just a necessity, but an opportunity to forge a peaceful and sustainable future on a healthy planet. It is clear that climate change is an urgent and growing threat to national security across the world, contributing to increased natural disasters, migration flows, and conflict over basic resources such as food and water. These impacts are already occurring, and the scope, scale, and intensity of these impacts are projected to increase over time. It is a real and present threat to peace and prosperity for all of humanity. Droughts, floods, heat, extreme weather, and rising seas are displacing people as never before and putting lives and livelihoods in jeopardy. There is a real humanitarian cost. No country or sector is immune.

Many of the challenges we face in the world today are enormous but I believe that when we act together we can make a difference. One of the ways that difference is already being made is through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). I believe that the SDGs are as essential to our personal success as they are to the furtherance of the societies we live in. If we all have SDGs to pursue and are determined to achieve them in our own contexts, then the accomplishment of the global goals will not be too tall an order. To improve the world, we must begin by improving ourselves — this will ultimately improve our society. To improve ourselves, we need to have goals, and visions, and ensure they are big enough to inspire us to break out of our comfort zones. We only grow when we start taking action. Dr. Orison Swett Marden, the inspirational American author said, “All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible.” The SDGs seem a very high goal, but if we each take step in action then together we can achieve great things.

I believe diplomacy and networking is a key to finding a way forward. Youth who are the real change makers in their respective communities across the globe need opportunities to amplify their work and connect with others. Today’s youth stand for shared humanity across their networks through initiatives’, projects and social ventures.

That’s why I have found the Global People’s Summit as a perfect platform for networking, learning, sharing and building the future we want together. Being part of this innovative Global People’s Fellowship programme is already enabling many of us to bring new ideas to the fore through increased collaboration between existing youth groups and social entrepreneurs. I hope this opportunity will enable us to work in tandem and to find sustainable ways to foster love, peace and prosperity across the world. By connecting networks and like-minded individuals around the world the Global People’s Summit is sharing wisdom and experience of different youth organizations across the globe. I have no doubt that, together as global people, we have the potential to be global actors that create more sustainable future for all. Join us

