Accepting Kofi Annan’s Challenge

Humanity Lab Foundation
Global People's Summit
2 min readAug 21, 2018
Former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan (UN Photo/Evan Schneider)

“The world will look the way you and your generation decides it will look.”

Kofi Annan, former United Nations Secretary-General, global leader for peace, and major inspiration for the Global People’s Summit’s very existence, once said these words to one of our founders.

Today, in a world now sadly devoid of his guidance, that simple, poignant statement is more powerful than ever.

H.E. Mr. Kofi Annan believed in the power of people. He spoke often to values we hold dear, of inclusivity, fairness, justice, and equity. His legacy, his life and his dreams of a better future for our world were a major inspiration that led to the founding of the Global People’s Summit.

He advocated to put people at the center of global decision making. He pushed for governments to listen to their citizens, and for the UN system to be more responsive and fit-for-purpose. He was a champion for social responsibility, and inspired us all to realize our own role in contributing to social, political and economic development in our communities and around the world.

As an organization, the words of UN Human Rights Chief Zeid Raad Al Hussein ring close to our hearts. Annan was “humanity’s best example, the epitome of human decency and grace. In a world now filled with leaders who are anything but that, our loss, the world’s loss becomes even more painful.”

We will strive to keep his spirit alive in our work. We will ground ourselves in his vision, and lift voices around the world to amplify our collective social good. We are eager to invest in growing the capacity of the change-makers around the world who will create the kind, just and humane future that Mr. Annan so passionately believed in.

“The world will look the way you and your generation decides it will look.”

In your honor, Mr. Annan, we are ready to accept your challenge.

Will you?

Rest in Power.

The Global People’s Summit
Humanity Lab Foundation

