Technology and Society

The lens of natural science on technology and society

Technology and Society: Natural Science

Kristi Dawn Riggs
Global Perspectives
5 min readJan 17, 2022


Photo by Tolga Ulkan on Unsplash

We can observe and consider technology and society through several lenses like history, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. The lens of natural sciences brings a unique perspective from the other lenses. It focuses on technology as a tool that human beings have developed to make life easier.

Natural science is defined as “the branch of science that deals with the laws and phenomena of the material world and their relations and interactions.” This means natural sciences can be applied to all aspects of life, considering people are part of nature.

Trends in natural science can be observed in all fields, including technology and society. Nature has not evolved us to be technology-based creatures, but the circumstances we find ourselves ask for it.

Photo by Robin Glauser on Unsplash

Technology is composed of several elements; the most basic of them are tools, methods, and systems.

Methods are composed of several sub-methods that lead to positive outcomes (Moore). For instance, cars…



Kristi Dawn Riggs
Global Perspectives

Advisor, University Faculty Adjunct, M.A. Georgetown University.