Advances in Robotics Will Change the Future

Joshua Camden
Global Recruiters Network Chapel Hill
2 min readMar 6, 2017

There is a rising robot population among the workforce. Each day, automation, artificial intelligence, and physical robotics becomes more advanced and integrates further into our economy. Jing Bing Zhang recently talked with ZDnet about some of the developments and challenges predicted for robotics in 2017 and beyond. Here are a few of his predictions most relevant to the new job market.

First, an evolving competitive landscape will drive the $80 billion robotics market toward rapid growth. This expansion will create additional companies that seek to fill the demand within the industry. More and more jobs will be available to those who are prepared to fill them, with a heavy focus on robotics engineers, developers, and technicians.

Second, out of this expansion, a lack of talented individuals to fill key positions will arise. The robotics industry is very specialized. Software developers, engineers, and technicians with experience and training in the field will ultimately be necessary. Without them, nearly 35% of needed robotics jobs will go unfilled, while offered salaries rise by 60%.

Third, robots will expand their usefulness outside of the factory setting. By 2019, 35% of leading organizations outside of manufacturing, such as logistics, healthcare, utilities, and resource management will employ robots to facilitate their workflow. This will open up positions in other industries once unrelated to robotics for those who are ready.

Fourth, robots will soon be defined by their software. Software engineers will have greater influence in the industry as artificial intelligence and machine learning become more advanced. The software that governs robots will be instrumental in their usefulness, with those responsible for its creation benefitting greatly from the expanding industry.

Advances in robotics over the next few years will present strong opportunities to those individuals who have done their homework and prepared for the change. New specializations in robotics manufacturing, robotics engineering, software development, robotic maintenance, and network intelligence will push robotics forward and open new avenues of employment. At GRN Chapel Hill, we will help you find the path that suits you best and arm you with the knowledge you’ll need to succeed.

