How Software is Changing Product Management

Joshua Camden
Global Recruiters Network Chapel Hill
2 min readMar 6, 2017

The Internet of Things is producing more in depth data and providing more information on products than ever before. The engineers behind these products are receiving more and more feedback from consumers on how they interact with the product, how it holds up to daily use, or whether or not it functions precisely they way it’s supposed to. In turn, this feedback informs decisions made in the update and manufacture of different products, creating a new type of cycle where information on products are received almost immediately, new ideas are integrated into updated design, and consumers see near immediate change in the way their products function.

New internet ready sensors, internet connectivity in different types of products, and GPS enabled smart tracking is revolutionizing the way that products are manufactured, shipped, and tracked. The information that these new devices gather provides immediate feedback on whereabouts, function, and consumer habits to those making and monitoring the products. By understanding how products are shipped, how consumers are using them, and what features are used most often, manufacturers and the designers behind the products can make better decisions to control functionality, form, and cost.

As the cost effectiveness of these processes continues to grow, more individuals on the software development and engineering side will be necessary to better equip products to provide the feedback companies need. With a growing industry dedicated to connectivity and product feedback, new avenues of employment will appear for the prepared. GRN Chapel Hill can help you understand a changing industry and where your skills could benefit from further training, or where you are a perfect fit for a new position. Contact GRN Chapel Hill to prepare yourself for a future that will continue to be bright.

