How Software is Changing the Face of Everything

Joshua Camden
Global Recruiters Network Chapel Hill
4 min readJan 31, 2017

The Digital Revolution, In Everything You Touch

Digitization is now a way of life in many industries across the globe. Software is now determining how we design things, how we build them, and how we communicate with them, they with us, and them with each other. Few industries have been more effected by this trend than the manufacturing industry, where software has touched almost every product we see. The ability to design in 3D, streamline processes, or even simulate a finished product before its even built is revolutionizing the way everything from lightbulbs to airplanes are brought into the world.

Designing Smarter Not Harder

A complex machine of any kind, in this day and age, is costly, complicated, and on a tight budget to be profitable. The ability of engineers to design the products in three dimensions, visualizing and virtually actualizing them before the first laser cutter dives into steel or the first bolt is put into place. From there, process software helps streamline the actual manufacturing procedure to ensure that whatever product is in question is assembled in the most efficient way possible. As more and more industries seek to take advantage of this developing technology, a greater number of software developers will be needed to write the complex coding that makes the magic happen, all while capable engineers will be needed to utilize these amazing tools to turn dreams into reality.

Your Refrigerator is Listening to You and That’s OK

Once these ideas are brought to life, many of them will have ideas of their own. Smart devices are quickly becoming not just your phone, but everything from the television to the dishwasher. The “internet of things” is connecting the world and garnering mountains of data all while the voice activated concierge tells you how to get to Starbucks. To process these many Everests, complicated software will sort and collate the data received back from these smart devices. Many companies are dedicated just to processing the data to make it useful for those who have collected it. Through complex algorithms and queries, a multitude of industries will benefit from the feedback that all the devices in your home constantly gather.

Better Data Equals Better Design

While at first glance it may not appear that the two segments of software design described above are related, the fact is that the data in part effects the design and the design effects the data. By gathering feedback from customers and learning their habits, designers can better understand what the public at large wants. Vice versa, designers effect how products are interacted with and can directly affect the kind of data that is collected. Either way, one without the other in the dawning new frontier of the present day stunts the march of technology and the potency of design.

Where You’re Needed Most

Across the board there are nowhere close to enough people that employers feel fit the bill for the roles needed within Data and Industrial Software, opening up massive opportunity for those with the right skills and training to benefit greatly from the growing need for software everywhere. The top regions in the country to find a job working with either direct engineering software or data analytics software are California, Texas, North Carolina, and Florida. These four states alone account for 11 of the top 20 places to be according to information provided by The top city in the country based on this data is Houston, TX with a hiring indicator score of 45. uses complex algorithms to determine how easy or hard it is to recruit or find a job in a given industry. Dallas, TX (31); Orlando, FL (30); Charlotte, NC (29); Chicago, IL(28).

A Job for Everyone, but No One to Give Them To.

One with the appropriate skills can expect to be compensated handsomely for their know how. The average salary per year for an individual in this industry is $103,009. Master’s level employees will make on average $88,723, with Bachelor’s employees making $83,354, and Associate’s level employees making $77,315. These are high salaries in today’s market for a highly skilled position that is very much in demand. Out of the 2,106,232 positions, the data from indicates that only 2,943 candidates are eligible to fill the roles. According to these figures, that means that there are nearly 1000 times the number of jobs than there are people to fill them.

Here’s How We Can Help

If Data and Industrial Software are industries that you are interested in exploring, the jobs are there, the pay is exceptional, and the employers want your talent. Global Recruiters Network Chapel Hill will guide you through the process of finding a new job, of ensuring that your skills match the need, and helping you understand how to improve the skills you already have. Through expert guidance, Global Recruiters Network Chapel Hill will help you find the job of your dreams in an industry that is desperately looking for you.

