The Future of Energy Starts Today

Joshua Camden
Global Recruiters Network Chapel Hill
4 min readJan 31, 2017

Energy for Today, A World for Tomorrow

Alternative and Renewable Energy have become buzz words as global climate change stands center stage as one of the single greatest obstacles facing the world. Within this growing industry of solar, wind, and hydro power; the greater efficiency and increasing cost effectiveness of these energy sources are driving investments and opening new jobs as the infrastructure of change is established. Bloomberg recently released its annual New Energy Outlook report for 2016 that measures the growth and sustainability of the energy industry. According to the report, zero-emission energy sources such as nuclear energy will account for 60% of installed production with wind and solar making up 64% of the 8.6 terawatts of new power generation added across the globe over the next 25 years. Wind and Solar will also account for 60% of the estimated $11.4 trillion invested in renewable energy over that same period. The outlook for growth is incredibly positive as the need for these resources becomes both economically feasible and ecologically necessary.

A Growing Industry Needs Those Willing to Grow

This means that a greater number of jobs will shift away from petroleum and become necessary to invest in the development of better renewable resources. A host of engineers, technicians, sales people, and specialized construction personnel will be needed in order to drive this industry to the levels needed to fulfill Bloomberg’s prophesized goal. Renewable and Alternative Energy is the future of our planet and as it becomes more profitable for large scale companies to invest in these technologies, the workforce revolving around it will grow. While construction and sales do not necessarily require advanced degrees, a high degree of skill will be required to build and implement the capacity for renewable energy to gain feasibility. Understanding the logistics behind deployment and the effects of supplementation for traditional energies such as coal will be integral to the growth of the industry.

The Workers for The Future of Energy

Engineers and researchers will be working over this time to bring greater efficiency and therefore profitability to renewable energies. Their efforts will ensure that as the ecological necessity becomes more imminent, so too will these resources become more practical. Technicians will be in the trenches day to day ensuring that these complex systems of energy generation function properly, are repaired swiftly, and continue to operate day after day. Sales people will also be need to demonstrate the value and necessity of these new sources by selling the idea of clean renewable energy as the future of the market.

The Breakdown

According to data provided by, the current job postings for engineers, installation specialists, sales, and technicians hovers at 38,555 jobs, with only 6,220 candidates qualified to fill these positions. The average salary for these jobs is a very nice $92,345 per year, with that figure moving to $96,119 for individuals with Master’s degrees, the figure moves to $90,829 for individuals with a Bachelor’s degree, and dips to $71,875 for those holding only an Associate’s degree.

Where to Look

California, Texas, and the Pacific Northwest are the top regions for jobs in this field, taking 10 of the top 20 spots based on the data from San Antonio, TX ranks as the top city for jobs in this industry with a hiring indicator score of 72. This score is derived from a complex algorithm that measures how easy or hard it is to both hire and find a job in a particular region. Rounding out the top 5 cities are Cleveland, OH (71); Seattle, WA (61); Detroit, MI (61), and Juno Beach, FL (61).

We Can Help

How the developed world and those countries still developing solve the problem of energy production will be a continuing growth field for the foreseeable future as the globe further invests in zero-emission and renewable alternative energies. As with most developing fields, the pay scale is commiserate with those willing to roll up their sleeves and dive into a steadily growing field that has yet to be tested in the long run. For those looking to make a change who feel as if they are just the right fit for this industry, Global Recruiters Network Chapel Hill is here to guide you through the process of understanding the industry, where your experience will benefit it, or even how to grow your value through additional education and skills in order to find the perfect job for your future and ours.

