Hidden Realms: What Lies Beyond the Observable Universe?

Boris (Bruce) Kriger
13 min readApr 20, 2024

Astronomy and cosmology perpetually astonish us, compelling a reevaluation of our conceptions regarding the universe’s structure. One such revelation is the “Local Void” or KBC void, an expansive region in space spanning two billion light-years that appears to contradict our understanding of matter distribution in the universe. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is situated near the center of this cosmic desert, challenging many of the prevailing cosmological models.

The Cosmological Principle posits that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic on large scales, meaning matter is evenly distributed across vast distances. However, the existence of the KBC void suggests significant anomalies in this distribution. If this void is as extensive and devoid of matter as observations suggest, it undermines the foundational assumptions of uniformity that many current theories of cosmology rely on.

The KBC Void (or Local Hole) is an immense, comparatively empty region of space, named after astronomers Ryan Keenan, Amy Barger, and Lennox Cowie, who studied it in 2013. The existence of a local underdensity has been the subject of many pieces of literature and research articles.

Recent studies have brought to light other similarly vast structures, prompting scientists to ponder whether a radical rethinking of our cosmic theories is required. This might necessitate reevaluating the nature of gravity and dark matter, or perhaps both. The idea that the universe has remained unchanged throughout its history can be traced back to Isaac Newton, who posited that the motion of stars and planets could be explained by a universal law of gravitation, applicable everywhere. Modern theories extend this principle to suggest that the universe should be isotropic and homogeneous, observable as the same from any point at any given time.

The KBC void’s stark emptiness, with a matter density about 20 percent lower than the average, presents a significant challenge to this view. It could imply that the universe is not as uniform as the cosmological principle would suggest, and may even be structured in patches of varying density, which are currently understood to be extremely rare.

The standard cosmological model, known as the Lambda CDM model, incorporates the cosmological principle and includes components like dark energy and dark matter. Dark energy is associated with the force driving the universe’s accelerating expansion, while dark matter interacts with ordinary matter primarily through gravitational forces. This model has been successful in explaining various cosmic phenomena, including the abundance of elements like helium and deuterium formed shortly after the Big Bang, and the cosmic microwave background radiation.

However, the discovery of the KBC void and other large-scale cosmic structures calls for a potential revision of this model. The presence of such vast empty spaces might indicate that dark matter behaves differently than currently understood, or that modifications to our theories of gravity are required.

These revelations encourage a broader perspective on the cosmos, where the apparent anomalies might not be so rare after all. They underscore the dynamic and often surprising nature of the universe, suggesting that our models, however robust, may still be inadequate to capture the full complexity of the cosmos. As such, the quest for understanding continues, driven by the ever-evolving landscape of cosmic discoveries.
The existence of vast cosmic voids like the KBC void raises intriguing questions about the underlying dynamics and structure of the universe. Here are several theoretical reasons that scientists consider when trying to understand the origins and prevalence of such voids:

One leading theory suggests that voids might have originated from quantum fluctuations in the very early universe, during the inflationary epoch. This was a brief period of extremely rapid expansion just after the Big Bang. These initial minute fluctuations in density could have been magnified during inflation, leading to large-scale variations in density. Where fluctuations resulted in relatively lower densities, vast voids would eventually form as the universe expanded.
The presence of dark energy, a mysterious force driving the accelerated expansion of the universe, could contribute to the expansion and evolution of voids. As dark energy causes the universe to expand at an increasing rate, it might stretch regions of lower matter density, thus enlarging the voids.
In the structure formation process, gravity pulls matter away from underdense areas towards denser regions, where galaxy clusters and superclusters form. This process, known as gravitational collapse, causes matter to “flow” from low-density regions (forming voids) to high-density regions (forming structures like galaxy filaments and walls), deepening and expanding the voids over time.
According to the cold dark matter model, smaller structures coalesce to form larger ones. However, in areas where initial matter density was unusually low, these structures might not form as readily or might take longer to develop, resulting in large empty spaces.
The universe consists of a complex web of galaxies, known as the cosmic web, which features clusters, filaments, and voids as fundamental components. The process that leads to the formation of this web is influenced by the initial conditions of the universe, the type of dark matter, and the nature of dark energy. Voids are simply the natural outcome of this web-like structure, representing areas that have been left empty as galaxies cluster along filaments.
Some researchers suggest that our understanding of voids may be influenced by observational biases. For instance, if our detection methods are more sensitive to luminous matter like stars and galaxies, we might be underestimating the amount of dark matter in voids. This could mean that voids are not as empty as they appear but instead contain significant amounts of unseen dark matter.
Understanding these vast voids is crucial for cosmology as they impact theoretical predictions and observations about the universe’s rate of expansion, the distribution of galaxies, and the nature of both dark matter and dark energy. Each of these factors plays a critical role in refining our cosmological models and enhancing our comprehension of the universe’s most fundamental structures and behaviors.

This illustrates a fundamental challenge in both cosmology and many fields of science — the difficulty of comprehending systems and structures that are vastly larger or smaller than the scales we are accustomed to dealing with. When we attempt to understand the universe, or any complex system, we are often like an ant trying to comprehend the layout and purpose of an entire city. Each observation or data point we gather is akin to the ant encountering a single building or street, which is informative but hardly encompasses the entire structure or its function.

In cosmology, this challenge is particularly pronounced because we are dealing with the largest scale structures in the universe — galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and immense voids that span billions of light years. These structures are far removed from human scales not only in size but also in time, with events and processes unfolding over billions of years.

Moreover, just as a microbe might struggle to comprehend the nature of the organism it inhabits, we grapple with understanding the universe for several reasons:

We can only observe a fraction of the universe. The observable universe is limited by the speed of light and the age of the universe since no signals can reach us from beyond this horizon. This limits our ability to perceive the full extent and variety of cosmic structures.
Much of the universe is made up of dark matter and dark energy — substances that we cannot directly observe because they do not emit light or energy that we can currently detect. Understanding how these components influence the structure and evolution of the universe is akin to trying to study an organism based only on its shadow.
The laws of physics at such grand scales involve complex and often counterintuitive theories such as general relativity and quantum mechanics. Just as a microbe might find it impossible to understand human technologies and constructs, we struggle to reconcile and understand these theories fully in a cosmological context.
The early conditions of the universe set in motion the patterns and structures we observe today, much like the initial conditions of life might influence the development of an entire ecosystem. Without a complete understanding of these conditions, our understanding of the universe’s current state and future will always be incomplete.
Our brains are wired to understand and navigate our immediate, human-scaled environment, which makes it difficult to intuitively grasp the reality of phenomena that operate on scales vastly different from our everyday experience.
Recognizing these limitations is crucial, not only for humility but also for driving the curiosity and innovation needed to develop better instruments, theories, and methods that might one day bridge the vast gap between our local, human experiences and the broader workings of the cosmos. Each advancement in technology and theory brings us closer to understanding the immense complexity and beauty of the universe we inhabit, much like each new discovery in microscopy unveils previously unknown aspects of the microscopic world.

Our current models and approaches may not be fully adequate for understanding the universe as a whole. There are several reasons why this might be the case, and why a different approach or a paradigm shift could be beneficial:

Our most successful theories, such as general relativity and quantum mechanics, describe the universe extremely well at certain scales and under specific conditions. However, these theories are notoriously difficult to unify, and each has domains where they do not apply or fail to explain observed phenomena, such as inside black holes or at the very beginning of the Big Bang.
Much of our scientific approach to the universe is based on frameworks and concepts developed under terrestrial conditions. For example, the laws of physics as we know them are derived from experiments and observations in environments that are drastically different from the extreme conditions found in space, such as near a neutron star or in the early universe. There might be fundamental aspects or forces at play that are not apparent under normal conditions.
Our understanding is fundamentally limited by what we can observe. The observable universe is only a portion of the whole, assuming the universe extends beyond the light horizon we can see. There might be processes or elements beyond this horizon that significantly influence the universe’s overall structure and behavior.
There is always a risk that our theories might be subtly biased towards perspectives and interpretations that are more accessible or understandable to humans. This could limit our ability to conceptualize and recognize different ways in which the universe might be organized.
Currently, cosmology, quantum physics, astrophysics, and particle physics are somewhat segmented, although they are converging. A more integrated approach that blends these disciplines more thoroughly might yield new insights and reveal underlying principles that are not apparent through a single lens.
Some suggest that embracing more speculative or even radical scientific hypotheses and methodologies could be key. For instance, considering the universe as a sort of holographic projection (as some interpretations of string theory suggest) or applying principles from information theory to fundamental physics might provide new ways of understanding cosmological phenomena.
The history of science is replete with examples where foundational shifts in perspective and theory have led to profound changes in our understanding. The shift from a geocentric to a heliocentric model of the solar system, the development of quantum mechanics, and the acceptance of plate tectonics in geology are all paradigm shifts that drastically reshaped scientific thought. A similar shift may be required to progress our understanding of the cosmos, especially as we continue to encounter phenomena that challenge our current models.

However, considering the universe as a whole is fundamentally important for several reasons, both scientific and philosophical. This holistic approach helps us to uncover the most basic principles governing reality and to understand our place within the cosmic expanse. Here are some of the key reasons why treating the universe as a whole is crucial:

One of the primary goals of physics is to discover a set of laws that consistently explain phenomena across all scales and contexts. By considering the universe as a whole, scientists aim to develop a unified theory that can reconcile the laws of quantum mechanics, which govern the very small, with the laws of general relativity, which govern the very large. Such a theory would provide a comprehensive framework for understanding the universe’s behavior from the smallest particles to the largest structures.
Understanding the universe as a whole is essential for cosmology, particularly in studying the Big Bang and the evolution of the universe. By looking at the universe in its entirety, we can better understand the distribution of galaxies, the nature of cosmic microwave background radiation, and other phenomena that tell the story of the universe from its inception to its current state.
These mysterious components constitute about 95% of the total mass-energy content of the universe. By considering the universe as a whole, researchers can better understand how dark matter shapes the large-scale structure of the universe and how dark energy drives its accelerated expansion.
Questions about where the universe came from and where it is going are deeply philosophical and existential, but they also have scientific significance. A holistic approach to the universe allows us to explore scenarios of its ultimate fate — whether it will continue to expand forever, collapse back on itself, or stabilize into a steady state.
By understanding the universe as a whole, we gain perspective on the rarity and nature of life on Earth. This can influence everything from space exploration policies to philosophical reflections on human existence and our responsibilities toward our planet.
Treating the universe as a whole encourages integration across different scientific disciplines, including astronomy, physics, chemistry, and biology. Such interdisciplinary research can lead to breakthroughs that are not possible within the confines of a single field.
Finally, our understanding of the universe influences how societies understand themselves. Throughout history, shifts in our cosmic perspective have led to significant changes in how humanity views itself in relation to the cosmos.
In essence, treating the universe as a whole encourages a more comprehensive exploration of nature, drives the development of new technologies and methodologies for observation and analysis, and deeply enriches our cultural and philosophical perspectives. It propels scientific inquiry to its limits and beyond, continually challenging us to redefine what we know about the nature of reality.

The ever-expanding scale of the universe, as new observations push the boundaries of our knowledge, does indeed present a significant challenge. Each scientific advance seems to enlarge our view of the universe, often complicating the task of forming a unified understanding. However, rather than abandoning the attempt to generalize or understand the universe as a whole, these expansions in knowledge can be seen as motivations to refine and evolve our theories. Here are a few considerations on why persisting in this endeavor remains crucial:

Scientific understanding progresses incrementally. Each expansion of our knowledge about the universe, even if it complicates the current models, provides new data and insights. These can be used to test, falsify, or refine existing theories. Over time, this process leads to a more robust and comprehensive understanding of the cosmos.
As the scope of our cosmic understanding expands, so too can our theoretical frameworks. Physics, for example, has a history of adapting and evolving in response to new information — consider the quantum revolution of the early 20th century, or the development of general relativity. These theories didn’t abandon the attempt to generalize; instead, they expanded the generalization to include new phenomena that previous models couldn’t account for.
Despite the complexity and vastness of the universe, the search for a unified model remains fundamental. Such a model would not only explain phenomena across different scales and contexts but could also potentially lead to new technologies and methodologies, much like how quantum mechanics led to the development of semiconductors and computers.
Philosophical and Existential Inquiry: Understanding the universe in its entirety tackles some of the most profound questions about existence, origins, and destiny. These questions are central to many philosophical and existential inquiries and resonate deeply with human curiosity and the desire for knowledge.
The challenge of understanding the universe as it expands and reveals its complexity drives technological and methodological innovation. For instance, new telescopes, satellites, and probes are continually developed to explore previously inaccessible regions of space, pushing the boundaries of engineering and computational sciences.
A holistic view of the universe can provide insights that isolated studies cannot. For example, understanding cosmic inflation, dark matter, and dark energy requires a broad, integrated approach that ties together observations from the cosmic microwave background, galaxy distribution, and supernova measurements.
Rather than abandon generalized attempts, it might be more productive to consider these as part of a dynamic, evolving process. The goal isn’t necessarily to reach a final, unchanging answer but rather to continuously refine our understanding and adapt our models to incorporate new discoveries. This approach keeps science vibrant and responsive, always moving towards a deeper, if never complete, comprehension of the universe.

The idea of intelligent beings the size of a large molecule making conclusions about the body they are part of or the universe beyond raises fascinating questions about the limits of observation and knowledge. This thought experiment can help us explore the constraints and possibilities for understanding systems that are much larger than ourselves. Here are a few considerations on how such beings might approach understanding their larger environment:

The primary challenge for beings the size of a large molecule would be the vast difference in scale between their own size and the structures around them. For example, a molecule in a human body trying to understand the entire body is analogous to a human trying to comprehend an entire galaxy. The scale is so different that direct observation and interaction with the whole would be nearly impossible.
Like human scientists, these hypothetical beings might rely on indirect evidence to formulate models of their larger environment. For instance, they might observe molecular movements and chemical signals as clues to the activities and structures of larger scales. Over time, they could develop theories about the “larger world” based on patterns and regularities in their observable surroundings.
Assuming these beings have the capability to develop technology, they might construct tools to extend their sensory capabilities. Similar to how humans use microscopes and telescopes to extend our range of visible light, these beings might develop instruments that allow them to perceive larger structures or broader spectrums of energy.
Given their size and potential limitations in sensing and processing capabilities, these beings might benefit from a form of distributed cognition or collaborative knowledge-building. Networks of such beings could work together to synthesize observations from different locations within the body, creating a more comprehensive understanding than any single being could achieve.
There would likely be theoretical limitations based on the physics and chemistry at their scale. Quantum effects, thermal noise, and other molecular-scale phenomena could obscure or distort their understanding of larger scales. Developing robust theories might require overcoming or creatively leveraging these phenomena.
These beings might face philosophical questions similar to those humans ponder. For example, they might question whether there is a “greater purpose” to the structures they are part of or debate the existence of entities (like humans) that are beyond their capacity to directly observe.
Finally, there might be existential limits to what these beings can understand. Just as there are aspects of the universe that may forever remain beyond human comprehension due to our size, speed of light, or the nature of the cosmos itself, these molecular-scale beings might also face insurmountable barriers in understanding their universe.
This analogy illuminates the challenges we face in cosmology and the study of microscopic worlds. It reminds us of the importance of humility in science, the necessity of indirect methods and models in understanding systems beyond our direct observation, and the potential for technology to expand the horizons of our knowledge.



Boris (Bruce) Kriger

Prolific writer, philosopher, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. Founder and director of a number of companies. https://boriskriger.com/