Varun Choudhary
Global Startup Corner
4 min readJan 31, 2017


How to generate huge traffic without SEO

A few years back in time, Google was the only source of traffic you could think of. So for website traffics, people went berserk to please the search engine. That’s when SEO was born in the digital world.

People optimise their site to what Google likes. But being badass, Google changes its algorithm, and it can change them again. You then would panic for your SEO again.

Depending wholly on Google can be dangerous. When it changes its rules, you may be losing all your business that depends on visitors. Worry not! There are other valid sources of traffic.

Let’s watch out how to have great traffic without the giant of Google.

#1 Content Marketing

Content Marketing has been one of the biggest tools since long. This should be your prime focus.

Start your guest blogging campaign and contribute to the biggies of content world. You would definitely generate some handy backlinks. With the anti-spamming campaign of Google, many sites stopped accepting guest blogging. But that doesn’t end the thing. Guest blogging is still one of the most effective ways of content marketing.

You can also go for video marketing. Share informative, useful, and entertaining videos. Other alternatives would be Infographics and slide presentations.

#2 Make your Content go Viral

The next big thing that you can do is to generate content that can go viral on Reddit or Quora. These have the potential of bringing a major avalanche of visitors to you.

A thing to take note here is never to spam on these platforms. Create genuine yet compelling content.

#3 Blog Commenting and Forums

Blog commenting isn’t obsolete yet. You can use this as well. Comment on various discussions in the forums of your niche and add valuable points. It would be great for your personal network. You even can add high-quality comments in the blogs and websites high on traffic.

To acquire the people you target, you need to be present where they visit regularly. And who is absent from social media. Users on these media are in billions. Build your professional pages on these networks and be active throughout. A significant presence here would bless you with a very high traffic.

The way social media is growing, it’s only going to surpass all regarding visits. It would be a bigger platform than even the search engines.

#5 Newsletters and online marketing

Subscribers can be the most loyal visitors for you, and thus newsletters are important. Have an engaging signup page with great offers and provide quality content. The visitors would only add.

Next important thing would be online marketing. Social advertising can be instantly fruitful. These online ads are also targeted and can be the best for your targeted marketing.

#6 Self Branding

Self-branding is another important aspect of marketing. People choose you only when they trust you. You need to be a known face to your targeted audience. You can network with the influencers in your niche and can also get interviewed by some large websites. Some websites publish interviews of the new players in different niches. Grab them!

#7 Offline Marketing

And at last, is the thing often underestimated. The offline marketing. You can market yourself in the real world as well, not just digitally. Attend seminars and meet people in your niches. It would be a lot healthier for your networking.

There was a time when high ranking in Google was the only way to get great traffic. Things have changed. You have several alternatives now. Use these tricks to your advantage and forget your traffic woes.

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How to generate huge traffic without great seo

Originally published at on January 31, 2017.

