React Native Vs Flutter — Which is the best platform for you

Varun Choudhary
Global Startup Corner
6 min readFeb 20, 2022

If you are creating an app from two platforms(React native vs Flutter) using a single code base, then no doubt you are saving money and time. By careful selection of the tools, these apps show results close to native ones.

There is an increasing demand for apps. According to a study, the Mobile application development market will get approximately $188.9 billion in revenue by the year 2020. So, no doubt it has a bright future.

React Native Vs Flutter: Introduction

Hence, React Native vs Flutter is one of the most popular topics in 2022. First of all, let’s cover the basic details about these platforms.

React Native vs Flutter are the two cross-platform technologies that are creating a buzz in the market.

What is React Native?

React Native is the king of cross-platform mobile App Development. It is a javascript framework.

The concept of React Native was introduced by Facebook. This product was open-sourced by Facebook in the year 2015. In no time, this app gained huge popularity.

The main aim of React Native Development is to create cross-platform app development by using a single programming language. Apart from Facebook, React Native is used by organizations like Instagram, Bloomberg, Skype, etc.

Here are some of the key points about React native:

  • It is completely free and open source.
  • The codebase in React native development is written in Javascript.
  • React Native uses Flux and Redux design patterns
  • It offers the hot-reload facility
  • React Native is almost supported by all editors

What is Flutter?

It also enables cross-platform development.

Flutter belongs to Google’s organization. It was launched in May 2017. Flutter is an open-source product developed for creating a superior quality of apps for iOS and Android by using a single codebase.

It is based on the Dart language. Also, Dart is heavily used inside the Google organization.

Organizations and apps like Alibaba, Hamilton app, Tencent, etc. are using Flutter.

A few noticeable things about Flutter:

  • Flutter is also a free and open-source framework.
  • It uses the Dart programing language.
  • Flutter offers many widgets and tools to create a variety of apps.
  • Flutter is a mobile app SDK(Software Development Kit) that we use for the easy development of mobile apps.

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Comparison: React Native vs Flutter

Let us compare React Native vs Flutter from the developer’s perspective. To compare the two frameworks, I would take the following points:

The programming language

React Native

First of all, let us discuss the programming language. React Native Development uses JavaScript language. It is a very popular language in the web community. It makes React Native popular among users as JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages. JavaScript is a dynamically typed language.

A survey shows that almost 71.5% of the developers who participated in the survey have used JavaScript programming language. So web developers can create mobile apps with React Native Development with a little bit of training.


Flutter uses Dart as a programming language. Google developed this language. People outside Google organization hardly use Dart language.

This language supports many object-oriented concepts. It applies to both client and server-side development. Dart is suitable for both mobile and web applications.

App development time

React Native

React Native supports many third-party libraries as well as ready-to-use components. Therefore, it improves the speed of cross-platform app development.


It uses a set of high-performance widgets. As it is new as compared to React Native so, it needs a considerable amount of time for developing projects.

So, the development time for creating a mobile app in React Native is less as compared to Flutter.

Performance: React Native vs flutter

React Native

React Native needs a JavaScript bridge to interact with native components. No doubt, React Native is a very popular platform, but it has also some issues. Developers face some challenges while running React Native hybrid application architecture.


Flutter does not have a JavaScript bridge to interact with native components. In this case, Dart code is compiled to native machine code. It results in eliminating the need for a JavaScript bridge. Due to this feature, performance improves as compared to React Native.

User interface: React native vs Flutter

React Native

React Native development does not have its own UI components library, so it needs to use third-party libraries. If we talk about the user interface, then we can say that it is just like using HTML without having a CSS framework. React Native uses based native components for iOS and Android. Following are the main user interface libraries of React Native:

  • Native Base components
  • Shoutem UI components
  • React Native elements


It uses proprietary widgets. These widgets are built-in UI components that replace native components. It has a layered architecture. This is the reason that it has a flexible user interface. Below are some of the examples of the widgets:

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Your preference: React Native vs Flutter?

As we know, We use both for developing cross-platform mobile apps. The availability of third-party libraries and ready-to-use components saves time.

But still, the question is that if both are good then how you will decide which platform you would like to use for developing your apps.

So, here is the answer. There are certain parameters that we will discuss here, like:

Are your developers aware of the Dart language?

If yes, then programming with Flutter is the best option.

Are your developers comfortable with JavaScript?

If yes, then definitely go with React native.

Does performance is the main concern for you?

If yes, then for sure proceed with Flutter.

Do you wish to create your app’s GUI using native UI components?

If yes, then you should use React Native.

Many of the technical experts predict that Flutter is the future of mobile app development.No doubt, Flutter has entered the race very strongly after its emergence.

React Native is present in the market for a long time. Therefore, other platforms need some time to establish themselves in the market.

Wrapping up

We will conclude the article by saying that both react native vs Flutter platforms contain some unique features and a set of tools that make them popular.

Most importantly, do not trust blindly anybody’s personal opinion. Therefore, before using react native vs flutter, proper research before selecting the platform. Because, only after that, you will get an idea that which platform will meet your requirements.

Therefore, choose the best one for your project and get the best results.

Abaxsoft Solutions Pvt Ltd provides mobile app development services that are easy to use and understand and yet have a stable integration letting you efficiently access the data required for functioning. We offer full-cycle Mobile App Design and App Development Services. Ask us about custom mobile apps, eCommerce apps, lean solutions, and other mobile needs and you won’t find a better answer elsewhere. Years in business make us experts to use device hardware potential to build an optimized mobile experience.

Originally published at on February 20, 2022.

