Top ten inventions that happened accidentally

Varun Choudhary
Global Startup Corner
5 min readJun 29, 2021

In our everyday life, we use products like microwaves and boxes of matches that make our life easier. But believe it or not, these inventions that allow us to live out our life hassle-free were not the product of trial and error. They were created entirely by accident.

Yes, ranging from delicious potato chips to the life-saving drug penicillin, all these were invented by chance. In this article, we are going to discuss the top ten inventions that happened accidentally. So, let us start.


Millions of people prefer to have corn flakes each morning. But the discovery of this popular cereal happened by chance. W.K. Kellog along with his brother Dr John Kellog developed the first edible corn flake product accidentally.

In 1898, while researching the patient’s diet, these two accidentally flaked wheat berry. W.K Kellog kept experimenting until he flaked corn. So, he created the appetizing recipe for Corn Flakes. He also noticed the potential benefits of combining cereal with milk. Now, corn flakes have been transformed into different flavour varieties.

Potato chips

We all love potato chips. These are not only crispy but yummy as well. There is an interesting story behind the invention of potato chips. The credit goes to George Crum, a chef at the Carey Moon Lake House in Saratoga Springs.

It was the year 1853. One day a customer ordered a plate of fried potatoes. He sent back his plate of potatoes many times. He kept asking for them to be more fried and thinner. By seeing customer’s this behaviour, George Crum lost his temper. He sliced the potatoes insanely thin and fried them until they became hard as a rock. The customer loved it so much that he wanted more. So, this is how potato chips were invented. Thanks to the anger of George Crum so that we got delicious potato chips.

The Pacemaker

John Hopps, an electrical engineer invented the pacemaker. He was researching hypothermia. In his research, he was trying to use radio frequency heating to restore body temperature.

During the experiment, he realized that if a heart stopped beating due to cooling, it could also be started again by using the concept of artificial stimulation. This realization led to the invention of the pacemaker in 1951. Now, we all know the importance of pacemakers for heart patients.

Microwave ovens

Percy Spencer, an engineer with the Raytheon Corporation invented the microwave oven. In 1946, he was conducting a radar related research project with a new vacuum tube.

During his experiment, a candy bar in Spencer’s pocket started to melt. Immediately Spencer grabbed some unpopped popcorn and held them by the device. They started to pop. Spencer knew he had a revolutionary device. So, it led to the invention of microwave ovens.

Chewing gum

Thomas Adams 1818 invented chewing gum. He was working as a secretary to the Mexican president, who was known to chew the gum of a local tree. They both initially dreamed of using the gum to create a more affordable type of rubber tyre.

Although that dream couldn’t fulfil. But for Thomas Adams, it was not over. He realized that with the addition of flavouring, his product was both edible and improved over paraffin and wax gums. In 1876, he established the company Adams Sons. So, Adams worked with chewing gum for the rest of his life.

Chocolate-chip cookies

Ruth Wakefield was the lady behind the invention of these yummy cookies. She owned the Toll House Inn. In 1937, while mixing a batch of cookies, she discovered she was out of baker’s chocolate.

Therefore, as a substitute, she broke sweetened chocolate into small pieces and added them to the cookie dough. Ruth Wakefield expected the chocolate to melt, making chocolate cookies, but the little bit stuck. This is how your favourite chocolate chip cookies were invented.


Fireworks are very popular. May it be new year eve or any other occasion of celebration, the beauty of fireworks can be seen everywhere. An unknown cook in China invented Fireworks accidentally.

That cook was simply experimenting in the kitchen. He accidentally mixes charcoal, sulfur and saltpetre. These were the common kitchen items at that time. When the mixture was compressed in a bamboo tube, it exploded. So, this is how firework was invented.

Artificial sweetener

Artificial sweetener is very popular. But Have you ever thought of how artificial sweeteners came into existence?

It was the year 1879. Chemist Constantin Fahlberg worked the whole day with coal tar. After that, he came home to have dinner with his wife. He did not wash his hands first.

While eating his meal, he noticed that everything he put in his mouth had a sweet taste. Fahlberg discovered that saccharin on his hands was responsible for that sweet taste. This is how he invented artificial sweeteners.


The credit for inventing coca-cola goes to John Pemberton. He was experimenting with coca and coca wines, eventually creating his version of Vin Mariani, containing kola nut and damiana. Pemberton called it Pemberton’s French Wine Coca.

He relied on Atlanta druggist Willis Venable to test and help him perfect the recipe for the beverage. It included blending the base syrup with carbonated water accidentally. Pemberton then decided to sell it as a fountain drink.

Super Glue

Super Glue is used for various purposes. It is natural to come to this question in mind:

What is the story behind the invention of Super Glue?

It was the year 1942. Harry Coover was looking for materials that he could use to build clear plastic gun sights for the war. But instead of that, he discovered a chemical formulation that stuck to everything it touched. However, at that time nobody accepted his discovery.

In the year 1951, the same formula was embraced and repurposed by Coover and fellow researcher Fred Joyner. This is how Super Glue came into existence.


We discussed some of the interesting inventions that happened accidentally. I hope you liked this article and it was informative as well.

The world’s most amazing inventions can come from the most unexpected experiences, have you ever accidentally invented or figured out something different or amazing?

Do share your story, It might just become the next big thing.

So, What are your views on this topic?

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Originally published at on June 29, 2021.

