Putin is stuck in his own web of lies

While the Russian leader might be convincing some of his countrymen that his ‘special operation’ in Ukraine is aimed at rooting out Nazis, the rest of the world isn’t buying it. Now more countries want into NATO, his worse-case scenario.

Miguel Pastrana
Global Vibe
5 min readMay 18, 2022


As the war in Ukraine drags on, multiple rounds of talks between officials from Ukraine and Russia have occurred. After four attempts, the delegation from Ukraine finally received a promise from Russia that they would “significantly scale down military operations near Ukraine’s capital and a northern city,” as reported by TIME. To no one’s surprise, however, explosions could be heard around the capital shortly after, another lie in Russia’s catalog.

Photo by Philbo on Unsplash

Before the war, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin had been trying to justify Russia’s ruthless attack on its bordering neighbor. Many of these excuses were so preposterous that only few could believe them. But what exactly are Putin’s reasons and are all of Russia’s “promises” just false hope?

Vladimir Putin’s Russia has had its eyes set on neighboring Ukraine since they gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. In 2014, Russia invaded and Annexed Crimea, a move condemned by many of the international community. Since then, tensions remained high between the two nations.

Russia had even backed separatists in the Donbas region in the east. However, Russia had no real confrontation in Ukraine, at least not directly. That all changed on Feb. 24, when Vladimir Putin announced a “special operation” in the Donbas region in eastern Ukraine. “Special Operations” was just another way to say invasion.

But why? According to an article posted by USA Today, Putin’s reason for the invasions was “to defend the Russian-speakers in Ukraine, especially those in the two self-declared republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, which left Ukrainian control in 2014.”

Vladimir Putin (Creative Commons)

Russia also claims to be “fighting Nazi leaders and Nazism” in Ukraine. Many people, including myself, can see through these webs of lies that Putin is weaving. Putin’s claims of Nazism hold no water. Firstly, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy is Jewish, his grandfather fought Nazis in World War II for the Soviet Army.

Putin’s lie is so apparent that on March 1st it was reported that the Russian army has bombed the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial in Kyiv. Putin’s claims of Nazis in charge of Ukraine are completely false. Putin doesn’t care whether or not Ukraine is run by Nazis, he only cares if he can take control.

Another one of Putin’s reasons for the invasion was that “Ukraine didn’t exist as a separate state and had never been a nation.”

As is reported in an article published by Rochester, Putin claims that Ukraine was created by the Russian Empire and that they owe Russia for its existence. This is blatantly false. First of all, Kyiv is older than Moscow and Kyiv was founded in 482, while Moscow was founded in 1147. That’s a 665-year gap. Putin claims that Russia and Ukraine are one people, which isn’t completely true. Yes, the two are similar, but Ukraine has cultural and Ethnic differences from Russia.

Putin’s fixation stems from his thoughts that the fall of the Soviet Union was “the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century” as reported by NBC news back in 2005. Putin is fixated and obsessed with recreating the Soviet Union, he wants all former Soviet countries to fall into place and back under Moscow’s rule. Due to this obsession, many fear that if Putin were to succeed in Ukraine, he would not stop and threaten other former Soviet states.

While Russia has blamed Ukraine for why it invaded, it wasn’t alone. Russia has also, unsurprisingly, blamed NATO for the invasion of Ukraine. Why? Well, Russia argues that NATO has had plans of encircling them with every expansion.

Russia had threatened action if Ukraine tried to join NATO, which they indeed tried to do, which of course led to Russia invading. Russia, interestingly enough, threatened both Finland and Croatia with severe action if they also joined NATO. Which, funny enough, only pushed them to want to join the alliance more. This will surely become a pattern.

But, despite what Putin thinks, he doesn’t run Finland or Croatia, which makes it so preposterous that he is demanding them to not join. Something else that Putin seems to not understand is that NATO doesn’t push itself towards Russia: It’s the other way around.

Countries ask to join the alliance on their own merits, which is why some like Sweden and Switzerland aren’t a part of the alliance. Countries wanting to join is due to a few factors, but typically it’s for protection. Protection from what? From Russia of course.

Russia’s neighbors are intimidated by Russia, so they look to NATO for protection and security from the tyrant. Putin arguing that NATO is actively trying to encircle them and threaten Russia is baseless. In an article published by NATO themselves, they even state “The Alliance does not seek confrontation and poses no threat to Russia. NATO didn’t invade Georgia; NATO didn’t invade Ukraine. Russia did.” Russia argues that NATO pushes itself closer to it, while Russia has set up a satellite state in Belarus. On top of that, Putin has constantly threatened other countries like the Baltics and Georgia.

Russia’s backing of separatists in other nations has also added to the reason countries want more protection from Putin’s Russia. Transnistria in Moldova, South Ossetia and Abkhazia in Georgia, and now Donetsk and Luhansk in Ukraine. These are “breakaway nations” that side more with Russia than their nation. More recently, Sweden and Finland have formally applied for NATO membership as well.

To spread its sphere of influence, Russia backs separatists in these regions to fight for proper independence. In some cases, like Transnistria, Russia hopes that the region gains independence to get a proper foothold deeper in Western Europe.

With other regions like South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Donetsk, and Luhansk, Russia looks to properly incorporate them into the federation as satellite states, or make them part of Russia greater.

These are the three main “reasons” Putin says he felt obligated to Invade the country. All three are simply false and are meant to make it seem like he had no other choice. Since the beginning, Russia has been spewing lies and false promises. On top of all we’ve spoken about, Russia has broken cease-fires multiple times, attacked areas that were meant to be corridors for Humanitarian aid, and as I mentioned previously, most recent explosions were heard near Kyiv as soon as Russia said it would focus more to the east.

Russia’s dictator has constructed a web of lies that, unfortunately, some believe. But no matter what Putin says, this war and invasion are unjustified and indefensible. Putin has shattered the peace in Europe for his gain and to satisfy his ego.

