Falling Short Of Words

Travel Pocket Notes by Global Volunteer Kriti Nandwani

Global Volunteer India
5 min readFeb 13, 2017


This is the feeling I get whenever the word AIESEC comes in my heart. What AIESEC has done to me, I couldn’t have imagined my life, so beautiful anyone can ever think of. AIESEC struck me incidentally. I took it as a choice because it was something I was finding since the past few years. It is exactly the thing I wanted to achieve in my life. Do something for others, help others. I chose to go on an internship with AIESEC as I wasn’t able to join AIESEC during recruitments. It was my die hard wish to be a part of such an awesome organisation.

I chose to go on an internship related to Teaching. The major reason behind choosing this field was, I aspire to do an MBA in HR. I wish to do HR as I am very interested in studying psychology and want to pursue my future in this field. So to understand and help people develop, I felt the first best step would be start teaching kids. I got matched to a teaching project in Thailand “SAWASDEE THAILAND 16” through AIESEC. I was quite nervous and excited at the same time as I was getting an opportunity to do something for the society and make my country proud. I tried my best to prepare study materials which the kids would understand easily and grasp quickly.

Finally I took my flight to Thailand from Chandigarh International Airport. After a safe landing at Bangkok, I was very anxious to meet new people from the entire world who had come to commit themselves for the same cause I wished to. It was like a pool of like-minded people from across the globe. The starting days at IPS - Incoming Preparation Seminar, were quite happening, exciting and adventurous. I was moving towards a new destination where I was unaware of the surroundings, but fully aware of my vision and mission. The IPS prepared us completely for the upcoming six weeks.I was very tired after travelling for almost 12 hours non-stop.On landing, the airport was so huge that it took me one hour to reach the exit gate. The first day,on hearing the new language I felt little scared and wished to return,but then I remembered my mission and adjusted with the environment by learning their language. When I arrived Delhi after my completion of project, I met a group of Thai people. It felt like family to meet them and talk to them. I also met Founder of my Project in Delhi.It was the best moment of my life.

On the arrival at the place, where I would be staying for the next 6 weeks, was really heart-warming. The host family and people there were very welcoming. I was assigned CHUMCHON CHUAN WITTAYA SCHOOL in BAMNET NARONG, CHAIYAPHUM. It felt like second home. First week with my students was the best experience of my life. I felt like spending my whole life teaching them. They are so sweet and the respect and love they gave, I haven’t received so much love ever in my life. Those moments were heart-warming. I taught the kids with full dedication and to the best of my potential. The Welcome Party organised by my school teachers and director was amazing. They welcomed me with a traditional ritual and a super yummy dinner.

The first weekend I went to a neighbouring Korat Mall and Phimai Historical Park with my Malaysian friend and host family. Next weekend I stayed at home, the best decision of my life. I gave complete two days completely to myself, did everything to stay happy and understand myself. I enjoyed each and every moment thoroughly by being me by myself. Next weekend was quite happening and amazing. I went to Bangkok by myself and roamed alone. I went to almost every tourist place and the special Chatuchak Market to shop for myself,my family and friends. I visited the only Gurudwara in Bangkok early morning, I had a heavenly feeling and got emotional while praying. Everything was so awesome in the school with my super awesome students. I used to teach them, play with them, dance with them and sleep with them as well.

Then the most awaited , Evaluation Day came. I was very eager to meet to my Co-EPs and my AIESEC LCAU friends. The three days were so amazing and full of enjoyment and happiness. This weekend was a changing point in mine and my roommate’s life. We after this weekend shared an unbreakable, full of love bond. Fortunately, my roommate was a Bengali girl, we were able to survive all obstacles together during our Internship. Last weekend, I went to Pattaya and stayed with Punjabi family friend. After five weeks , I got homemade Indian food which was a heavenly feeling. I enjoyed the beaches and Punjabi family dinner.

At last, the moment to say good bye to everyone came. It was a very hard moment to face for me. I got strongly attached to my students, teachers and people in my neighbourhood. I felt connected to each and every person I met in that country. They were so kind,helpful and lovely. A Farewell Party was arranged to wish a warm good bye. I never wished to leave that school,party and the people there. Atlast , I left my city , BAMNET NARONG,CHAIYAPHUM, my school, CHUMCHON CHUAN WITTAYA SCHOOL and my people. I wish to return to that place again and thank each and every person there for loving me so much. AIESEC also organised a Farewell Party at Bangkok which was the most emotional part of the journey. We got our certificates and enjoyed the night at its best and no one was sure if we would ever meet again.
The best thing Thailand was the people,their welcoming attitude. They are so kind, always ready to help each other. They loved us so much that I can’t explain in words. I would mention one thing, I met a shopkeeper of a mobile shop near my house.We connected so well that I spent all my time after school with her,I even travelled with her to Pattaya. She has 3 daughters and they sooo sweet. I still have regular video chats with them.On the last day, my school Director asked me to come to his place when I get married and have kids. He promised to take care of my kids for free…..

I would like to thank AIESEC for giving me an opportunity to do something for the society , for the people and for me. I wish to go on exchange again and also request each and every young person to put a foot forward to help AIESEC achieve UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. I have tried to put down my experience into words , but I will never explain in words what I have got from this experience. I think some feelings don’t need words to measure their impact…

Kriti is from Chandigarh. You could volunteer like Kriti in another country for six weeks and live the experience of a Global Volunteer. Sign up here: bit.ly/m-gvindia

