
She cares about quality healthcare.

Belén Loza
1 min readApr 18, 2019


Elizabeth has been an emergency care practitioner in Masaka, Uganda for nine years. She received her training through Global Emergency Care Collaborative (GECC) — a nonprofit dedicated to improving global health by training healthcare providers in emergency care.

Due to a healthcare worker shortage in Uganda, many patients die from treatable diseases and injuries that would not be life-threatening with proper physician care. When asked why she wanted to be an emergency care practitioner, she says:

“I’m excited about providing quality healthcare because mortality is going down. It’s not how it was before we started this program.”

She loves her work:

“I am able to share my knowledge with health workers from other countries, and ultimately earn a living doing something I am passionate about.”

Donate to GECC to help train healthcare professionals like Elizabeth.

This is a story from GlobalGiving’s Voices from the Crowd series.

