Mr. Mugmin

He works with the community in northern Ghana to feed and educate children.

2 min readJul 8, 2019


Mr. Mugmin grew up in Kumbungu, a close-knit village in northern Ghana. Today, he leads programs at Grameen Ghana, a local nonprofit that focuses on food security and education.

Mr. Mugmin holds Grameen Ghana’s values close to his heart.

“My organization’s goals — furthering food security and education — align with my personal goals, which inspire me to work with this organization every day.”

Grameen Ghana looks to the community to identify solutions to problems. In the Bolni district, for example, staff noticed attendance issues among students and teachers. They decided to do a needs analysis with feedback from community leaders at its core. The team then launched a program to educate children and their parents about the importance of attending school and introduced monetary incentives for the teachers. Attendance, along with student’s literacy rate, increased.

Mr. Mugmin is very passionate about his work and sees working at Grameen Ghana as a way of giving back to the community and future generations.

“By nature, I like giving. When I was a child, that was something I liked to do. When I am given, I share with others.”

Support Grameen Ghana’s work on GlobalGiving.

Story and photo by Dalila Sumani of the GlobalGiving Field Program

This is a story from GlobalGiving’s “Voices from the Crowd” series.




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