4 Keys to success for Introverted Entrepreneurs

GlobalizeIT LTD
GlobalizeIT LTD
Published in
4 min readJan 29, 2020

There is a reason that certain entrepreneurs become successful! And this reason has nothing to do with your extroversion or introversion. It is about finding a path and passion to follow and create a mission to strive towards. Creating a business is an exciting journey and most of the pleasure comes from the freedom to grow your company in your own terms. So with no matter, if you are an introvert or an extrovert, as an entrepreneur you have the chance to learn what works the best for you and to create a business that reflects your personality.

Before anything else you need to know that your introversion is a gift that does not need to be changed or cured.

In fact, there are many ways to put it in your favor. Here are three examples of extremely successful people who managed to do that.

Albert Einstein

One of Einstein’s more famous quotes is, “The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulate the creative mind.” While he’s best known for developing the theory of relatively, Einstein is also a famous introvert.

Larry Page

The co-founder of Google, Page became the search engine’s CEO in 2011. Many believed that Page was an odd choice for CEO because he’s “personally reserved, unabashedly geeky, and said to be introverted.”

Warren Buffet

According to Buffet himself, he’s an introvert. When he started his career, he knew he had the intellect to be successful in business but wasn’t quite sure about the leadership aspect. He actually enrolled in a “How to Win Friends and Influence People” course at one point.

Now here are four most common problems people with this type of personality experience and four related solutions that would hopefully help you feel good in your everyday life as an entrepreneur:

If you experience this: Struggling from an introvert hangover

Try this solution: Schedule more one-on-one meetings

Do you ever feel irritable and physically exhausted after going out with a large group of people? This is called an introvert hangover. When introverts become overstimulated in social situations, they can experience physical symptoms of illness.

Crowded rooms and small talk are never comfortable for the introvert, yet if you want to pitch yourself and your business, you’re going to find yourself in the midst of both. As an introvert you might prefer a small group of people you know well instead of a large group of strangers. To make this work to your advantage, use your preference for social quality over quantity by scheduling one-on-one meetings or small group meetings. These more intimate arrangements will help the introvert from becoming overstimulated.

If you experience this: Dealing with sales calls & PR

Try this solution: Self-promote like an introvert

The ability to sell yourself is a critical one in business, but self-promotion can be particularly difficult for introverts. The trick is to self-promote in ways that accommodate your skillset.

For example, introverts often excel at writing, so you can use a well-written piece in an industry publication to reach more people. Or, you might put together a thoughtful social media campaign or series of blogs from the privacy of your own office.

Another helpful method is to approach social events with greater purpose. Rather than attending a networking event and pacing aimlessly around the room trying to make small talk, try hosting an event. Hosting makes you a go-to person and forces others to come to you. The same goes for public speaking. Taking the podium lets you reach many people at once instead of being bogged down in many smaller conversations.

If you experience this: Easily getting distracted and exhausted

Try this solution: Take it one step at a time

Identify your comfort zone, and set a limit for your interactions. For example, if you are planning to attend a huge event start with a few people for a certain amount of time, and gradually increase that number, as you feel more comfortable. For example: talk to only two people for 15 minutes each, and leave. Once you have done that and (if you) still feel comfortable, you can increase it to just two more people, maybe 20 minutes each. This keeps you in control to do something small and easily manageable.

If you experience this: Feeling uncomfortable to act with confidence

Try this solution: Be inspired by an extrovert

Find an extrovert who you look up to, and notice the way they deliver themselves. There is nothing wrong with admiring someone for how they manage to do activities you struggle with. Actually, it can be extremely beneficial. Also, the effort you need to put into this is to observe, which is something you might enjoy doing as an introvert. Find methods that work for you and steal some practices. Fake it until you make it!

If you feel this is too far from your comfort zone, try another strategy. Start searching for a more extroverted business partner who would complement your skills or just outsource the task related to PR and public speaking to another professional who will enjoy working on them.

Final thoughts

These are some of the experiences you may have as an introvert entrepreneur. As an introvert, you’ll face a few extra challenges, but if entrepreneurship is what you truly want, those challenges won’t be able to stop you from achieving your goals.

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