7 ways to spring clean your business

GlobalizeIT LTD
GlobalizeIT LTD
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2020

Spring is coming, bringing with it that extra bit of mental energy. The change in season also creates a chance for companies to review their processes and create more productive and creative space for their employees and customers. Here are 7 ways to spring clean your business:

Office cleaning tips

Physically clean your laptop

When was the last time you cleaned your laptop? Yeah, we thought so. This simple computer maintenance task doesn’t just get rid of accumulated dirt and dust — it keeps your laptop running in tip-top shape. However, this is not an easy task, if you do it yourself you can damage your laptop, so we recommend you give it to a professionalist.

Slow down on the personal stuff

Personal items make a desk your own, but most should be saved for your Facebook and Instagram and not on your office desk. Don’t put tons of personal memorabilia. A few tasteful items are great e.g. family portrait, office art, awards, company merchandise.

Create a plastic-free environment

Maintaining a plastic-free culture at your workplace is not only eco-friendly but also creates far more cozy atmosphere. Investing in reusable cups and appliances brings many advantages like saving money or the habit to be consistent, by always bringing them with you or by taking the time to keep them clean. Last but not least, it definitely gives the impression of professionalism and responsibility to everyone from employers to potential customers.

Let the light in

Put a mirror at your desk if you want more natural light in your space. If there are some windows nearby, and the overhead light isn’t too overpowering, experiment with a mirror or two, placing them at different angles until you’ve created the illusion that your desk area is more illuminated and perhaps even seemingly more spacious.

Business management & digital detox

Audit your activity

Every so often, step back and analyze your daily activities, as well as the activities of your team. Look for inefficiencies, clutter, overhead and other “junk” that’s accumulated over time. It’s remarkable how much we do out of habit, never stepping back and asking ourselves if there’s a better way.

Update templates & documents

Invoice templates, care instructions and the other docs you’ve been providing to your customers are starting to show their age maybe. This year, go through all of those and find out if your design people can’t improve the way these documents reflect on your company.

Examine automation

Take a closer look at all aspects within your company, from bookkeeping to customer support and manufacturing to marketing. Wherever the automation of the work can be done, integrate the software and/or hardware to streamline operations, and free up time and personnel for design and business development.

Bonus tip — self-care

Rest your eyes

Even those of us who complain of having to stare at a computer screen all day don’t always take the necessary precautions to minimize eye strain.

First, make a point of looking away from the screen at regular intervals. One widely accepted, an easy-to-remember strategy is, every 20 minutes, look at an object at least 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. This is known mostly as the 20–20–20 rule.

Final thoughts

We hope these tips set you up for continued success this year. When things run efficiently, it means more time for you to focus on growing your business.

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GlobalizeIT LTD
GlobalizeIT LTD

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