How to be human at work?

Sevgin Mustafov
GlobalizeIT LTD
Published in
2 min readAug 21, 2019

Work isn’t just numbers. Work isn’t just reports. Work isn’t just about the bottom line. Work is also about human relationships. Work is about building those human relationships. Because without those relationships, work is not possible. It’s okay to show that human side of yourself while you’re at work. It’s okay to have a personality. We’re not robots.

And honestly, when you share that human side of yourself with others, people will be more receptive towards you. People like you more because you’re honest. You’re silly. You’re not perfect. You’re just like everyone else. You’re human.

A little crazy. A little messed up. A little not-so-put-together.

In order for people to want to work with you, whether as clients, customers, or even internal colleagues, they must trust you. And in order to trust you, they first must like you. And what do we like? People who act like humans.

Who smile, look up at our eyes instead of down into their phones, make mistakes, apologize, and are perfectly imperfect.

Let’s practice how to be human at work.

Eat and drink. It is so simple, isn’t it? But how often do you skip breakfast because of your work? If only you’d stopped to remember that you are a human, and remember that humans need to eat. We also need to drink, and drink more than the caffeinated and/or carbonated beverages that have become our office staples.

Want to double your humanity quotient? Invite another human being to eat or drink with you. Even the spontaneous “want to have lunch with me?” or “can I refill your water bottle?” can go a long way.

Who might need you in your workplace right now? Maybe they need your encouragement. Your counsel. Your hands on a project. Your voice in their corner. This is some kind of superpower and when we’re bringing our superpowers to work, we’re the most human of all.

Part of being a human is to share and be happy with what’s going well. Why wait for others to allow you to be proud? Be a real human and tell us your story.

More than ever we need to see (and be) true, authentic people, who are not afraid to speak the truth and show their real self. Be that kind of person.

Do you want to work in a workplace like this? Do you want to work in that kind of Software Development company?

Sevgin Mustafov

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