How to keep yourself accountable at work

GlobalizeIT LTD
GlobalizeIT LTD
Published in
4 min readMar 11, 2020

Everyone admires the people who somehow always manage to handle their tasks on time, be accountable for not only themselves but for the whole team, for the results of a big project and so on. This is not just a skill it is a state of mind that requires time and energy but also is so rewarding. Here is how to improve yourself and become a more accountable professional.

The difference between responsibility and accountability

Accountability and responsibility can’t be lumped into the same bucket. Although these two terms have some similarities, a few distinct characteristics separate them in the workplace.

Responsibility can be shared. You can work with a team of people to divide responsibilities. On the other hand, accountability is something that can be specific to an individual depending on their skill set, role, or strengths.

Responsibility is task-oriented. Every person on a team may be responsible for a given task that is required to complete a massive project. Accountability is what happens after a situation has occurred. It is how you respond and take ownership of the results. Even during the most uncertain times, true leaders hold themselves accountable for the results.

Responsibility focuses on defined roles, job descriptions, and processes that must be in place to achieve a goal. On the contrary, accountability is committed to the successful completion of tasks assigned to you and being willing to take responsibility for everything that happens as a result of the actions that were taken.

Accountability mindset

Focus on the right activities

Ask yourself questions like “Which activities are most important for the company or my manager?”, “Which tasks lead to our long-term growth?”, “Which one makes everything down the line easier?”. Getting clear on questions like this will really boost the work, save time and enhance your reputation as an accountant person.

Set expectations

Over promising will not help your professional reputation. Instead, you have to be realistic on setting expectations. Be honest about your availability. The best way to be as realistic as possible is by tracking the time you usually spend on your tasks. Do this every day before leaving your workplace and soon you will have an accurate idea of where your time goes through the day. When a new task pop up you will know how much of it you can handle and how to include it in your schedule in the most efficient way.

Obstacles vs Excuses

A quick way to start taking action against an arising issue is to write down your thoughts on it. If you notice that there is a problem dealing with a work task, stop for a moment and ask yourself is this an obstacle or it is an excuse. There is nothing wrong with your mind telling you stories that could make you worry. Just sit down write what is the task, what are the reasons you are having difficulties. Once you are clear on is it an obstacle or an excuse you can think about the resources you will need to overcome the problem or a proper way to handle your emotions.

Accountability implementation

Find activities you must follow through on

You have to be prepared for procrastination or self-doubt. One possible way to handle these situations is to make yourself do a challenging activity by agreeing to something you can’t back out of. For example speaking at conference or be interviewed. Having that commitment on your calendar is a forcing mechanism to prepare and do well.

Set boundaries

Here is one more powerful way to hold yourself accountable. Set boundaries with yourself. Create a “I always” and “I never” lists. For instance “I always workout on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays”. So even if you are on vacation you will promise yourself to find ways to do it.

Find an accountability partner

Accountability partnerships are one of the most popular goal-setting strategies. Knowing that we will check in with someone who is emotionally and energetically invested in our success keeps us on track, even when things get hard.

Accountability as a part of your identity

In order to keep up this skill all the time, it is a really good strategy to start thinking of yourself as a person who is accountable. Take it on as a fundamental part of your identity. Accountability is a mark of real leaders, so if you want to become one and always strive to act like one, this will keep you aware of what will serve you and what not.

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