How to transform your mind into a digital product ideas machine?

GlobalizeIT LTD
GlobalizeIT LTD
Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2019

New technologies are unleashing a real revolution in our way of living and working. This digital context puts traditional organizations under pressure, results in new organizational forms (e.g. the Uber-type models such as Airbnb, Netflix, Spotify, Alibaba, etc.) and in this way forms a new society. As companies look to digital transformation, while technology is important, they must also look to change the hearts and minds of their people.

Digital transformation is not about technology, it’s about ideas, people, inspiration, skills, and passion for creating a better future.

If you are the kind of person who is willing to create, learn and serve people here is how to transform your mind into a digital product ideas machine.

Define your interests and passions

Here is a really important message that you need soak up — if you are aware, you are going to detect so many problems on which you can build a business and product but it has to be a problem you would love to solve. So start all the process by defining your interests and causes that really touch you.

Keep a “Problem Journal”

Carry a small notebook in your pocket. Every time you come across a problem write it down. Examples are “I hate sweeping” or “I hate waiting for taxis” or “I can’t pay rent” or “I hate hotels”. There are so many problems in the world, large and small. Just consciously thinking of these problems as opportunities have led to great companies and products like Uber and Airbnb.

Big ideas are overrated

Trying to develop the biggest idea is a waste of time. There are so many examples for people who thought that their ideas sucked at the time. And of course the complete opposite situation — when you think that your idea is great, but unfortunately it is not.

So…your opinion doesn’t really matter — it’s the customer who determines how great the idea is, not you.

Consume everything you can

If you’re in the business of creating, you have to be in the business of consuming. Subscribe for every newsletter, read every article, join groups, follow people and companies — do everything possible to get enough information about the problem that you are going to solve.

Think big, start small

The problem is defined and the rules are understood, now you need to start small. Take that single value proposition that you can solve and focus on it 101%.

To truly grow big, you need to first find that foothold, that niche that you dominate.

The funny thing about vision though, is that for startups, it is a moving target. Most startups end up doing something completely different compared to what they set out to do. So don’t let your vision hold you back, just follow the path it paves. Good luck!


All of these methods require a commitment of time and energy, but that’s the key to build great ideas. You need to give your brain the time and space to work for you. If you try each of these methods, you are bound to come up with a great idea or two. The execution is up to you.

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GlobalizeIT LTD
GlobalizeIT LTD

Blockchain and Web Development Company | We shape innovative ideas into high-tech software products