What you can do as a developer to stand out?

GlobalizeIT LTD
GlobalizeIT LTD
Published in
3 min readAug 30, 2019

In an ideal world, your work would speak for itself. Unfortunately, we do not live in an ideal world. Great work often goes unnoticed. We have to take an active part to make sure that our contributions get communicated in order for them to be seen and acknowledged. And you can do this both with the resources you already have and with the new ones you can generate.

In this article, we will give some tips on how you can set yourself apart from the rest and stand out as a developer. This is not the same as making yourself look better. It is about putting in the effort to get noticed. About getting noticed for the right reasons.

TIP #1: Communicate effectively

In most cases, management does not directly judge the quality of your technical work. It is not the job of your manager to review every line of your code to evaluate your performance. The impression that managers have on us is based on their observations. You can use your direct communication with them (1-on-1 meetings, working together on projects) to show your motivation, passion and work ethic.

TIP #2: Create value

Be of service to others by sharing some of your expertise for free, so you can begin building a base of fans who trust you and look to you for expert advice. How can you use what you do to be of service? Maybe you can offer your talents to a local nonprofit or set up an internship or mentoring opportunity to help someone starting out. You don’t have to spend hours helping others to get value from providing value. The only thing you’ll need to do is to be consistent in doing it. There is nothing more valuable than a creator that creates value for others first.

TIP #3: Be trustworthy

Would you give a task to someone unreliable or constantly late? I bet you wouldn’t and that’s totally understandable. Well, you don’t want to be that person. It’s essential to be trustworthy. If you do your tasks on time, it means one can trust you and give you more responsibilities. Do whatever it takes to make this part of your personal and professional image.

Be professional

As a software development company, we know the difference between programmers and professionals who knows what they can provide through their skills. They have great work ethic, values that they uphold, curiosity and developed soft skills. These are the people we seek to work with. These are the extra skills we search for in our potential team members. So if you are that kind of person contact us at hello@globalizeit.tech and join our big family!

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GlobalizeIT LTD

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