The ‘B’ Side of Artificial Intelligence

GlobalLogic Latinoamérica
GlobalLogic LatAm
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2024

By Gabriel Arango, LatAm Technology Director, with collaboration from Luis Camilo Jimenez Alvarez, LatAm Solution Architect.

The advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought revolutionary innovations in various fields, from healthcare to consumer technology, driving significant changes in how we interact with machines and process information. However, along with these innovations, significant risks and challenges have emerged that require careful reflection and effective strategies for management.

Risks and Challenges in AI Security

One of the most notorious challenges in the field of AI security and data privacy was demonstrated by the security vulnerability in popular systems like ChatGPT. This incident, which exposed user data, highlights the critical importance of implementing robust cybersecurity measures in AI applications to protect personal and financial information, underscoring the particular risks to companies regarding the confidentiality of their data.

AI and the Generation of False Content

Another concerning aspect is the generation of fake content and AI-driven misinformation. AI’s ability to create hyper-realistic images and audio that mimic reality challenges the strategies for fraud detection and prevention. A notable case involved deceiving a CEO in the UK through a synthesized voice call, demonstrating how AI can facilitate large-scale fraud.

Labor Transformation: The Impact of AI on the Job Market

The labor impact of AI is another critical issue. Language models like GPT are transforming the job market, not only by automating tasks but also by changing how tasks are performed. Tools like GitHub Copilot are reshaping roles and creating new professions, such as prompt engineering, although these roles may be ephemeral due to AI’s ability to self-optimize.

An analysis of the labor impact shows preliminary results indicating that junior developers gain greater productivity improvements compared to more experienced developers, up to 30%. Therefore, it is crucial for companies to leverage this productivity improvement to train their employees in more complex and strategic tasks.

The Double Edge of Plagiarism and Originality in AI

The risk of plagiarism in the AI era arises when AI generates content too similar to existing works, especially if it overfits specific data or uses very detailed prompts. This phenomenon challenges originality and authorship in the AI era, posing ethical and legal challenges regarding intellectual property. New risks such as deepfakes emerge, where a person’s video has their face or body digitally altered to appear as someone else, typically used maliciously or to spread misinformation.

Bias and Discrimination: The Ethical Challenges of AI

Finally, bias and discrimination in AI systems reflect and amplify existing prejudices in training data, resulting in biased material and decisions. The “Model Collapse,” where AI is trained with content it generated itself, can induce a loss of diversity and reinforce biases, limiting its capacity to generate innovative ideas.

Precautions for Users and Companies in the AI Era

Users should be aware of the information they share online and scrutinize AI applications’ privacy policies, adjusting privacy settings and being cautious with sensitive data. Companies, on the other hand, must comply with security and privacy standards, conduct regular reviews, and educate their employees about safe information handling practices.

AI in the Digital Environment: Redefining User Experience

Meanwhile, the impact of AI in the digital environment is redefining user experiences in digital services like social media, e-commerce, and entertainment. In social media, AI personalizes content, enhancing connections and discoveries. In e-commerce, virtual assistants offer personalized recommendations, optimizing the shopping experience. In entertainment, AI assists in content creation, from scripts to visual effects, democratizing production and fostering creativity.

Lastly, regarding the management of personal data in the age of AI, it is important to highlight that users have tools to control their privacy, such as adjusting privacy settings and being prudent about sharing information on digital platforms. It is also crucial to understand privacy policies and opt out when necessary, and companies must ensure data security and promote among their users and employees the importance of safe information handling practices.


