CRM system: key benefits for your business

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5 min readMar 27, 2019

The world is accelerating, the rhythm of life 20 years ago and today is hard to compare. This also applies to business. And the only way to match the time is to automate the processes in it. Mostly every company in nowadays life need a unified system for collecting, organizing and analyzing information, planning tasks and integrating with other important systems for doing business. CRM systems have become such a solution.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is software that is used to automate strategies for working effectively with customers. This is done to increase sales, optimize marketing and improve customer service. Work in the CRM system has no common and well-defined standards, so any convenient customer contact management system can be used.

CRM system features

Software abilities can be listed for a long time. The main functions of CRM systems are:

  • Simplify the process of managing contacts, and all thanks to a single customer base.
  • They offer an accurate picture of interaction with customers, which gives a chance to analyze their needs for the future.
  • Manage potential and concluded deals. As a result, you can make a certain forecast of work, avoid conflicts and analyze the work.
  • Store all information about customers, employees, competitors, and so on. All of this increases the competence of employees.
  • They help to plan work with clients taking into account almost all possible nuances.
  • Generate reports in different directions, so you can plan the work of the company.

Benefits of using CRM systems

You can talk about the advantages of software a lot of time, but the main of them include an increase in sales numbers. The software giant, IBM, reports that every dollar invested in CRM brings in $ 5 in profits, and conversion through CRM could increase by 300%.

In addition, the CRM system for small businesses and large enterprises has the following advantages:

  • Cost reduction. Automation and standardized business processes reduce costs by getting rid of many routine operations and manual actions. But if the introduction of CRM does not reduce the number of routine operations in the company’s business processes, the implementation plan requires revision.
  • Improving the quality of service/product. When using the CRM approach in the company, customer relationships are put in the first place, which allows for more feedback. Thanks to this feedback, you can seriously increase the quality of your services or your product.
  • Improving the organization management process. The use of automation tools helps in the control and management of employees. With the help of CRM-technology, you can obtain data on the effectiveness of each of your seller.
  • Increase customer loyalty. All the necessary information about the client is collected and stored in a database that is accessible to all employees of the sales department. Thus, it is much easier to satisfy the needs of the client and at the same time preserve his precious nerve cells when communicating with sellers.
  • Increase the number of customers. Having received loyal customers, you can be sure that they will bring their friends or partners to you. This way of attracting customers is much better than others in terms of price/quality ratio.
  • Increased sales. With the attraction of new customers, the number of sales is growing, and an increase in the loyalty of existing customers leads to repeated sales.
  • Effective optimization of staff performance. Working through CRM allows you to see which of the employees is busy than what, who has the workload, and how effective each employee is, which makes it possible to distribute the work in the most optimal way, as well as automate time control.

CRM systems rating

There are a large number of systems that are used for different purposes, but there is no universal CRM. Conducting a review of CRM systems, and choosing the appropriate option for yourself, you need to focus on the following criteria:

  • The interface should be clear and well thought out and cover all key aspects of your business.
  • The system should have an integrated reporting base and the ability to adapt to the needs of people.
  • The geographical image of the sales funnel is important, which shows a summary report that is important for quick analysis.
  • You should not choose a system that does not have a cloud or server backup. Creating a backup is important if you don’t want to lose your data.

Types of CRM systems

When viewed from the side of functional capabilities, we can single out the following types of systems: for sales managers, marketing, customer service, and call centers. The classification of CRM systems is expressed in their division into two large groups:

  • Boxed (desktop). In this case, you need to install the program on your computer and the data will be stored on the server. Having bought the program, the company gets it at its disposal and, if desired, can change it at any time by hiring a programmer.
  • Cloud (online CRM). In this option, everything is hosted on the developer’s server, and the client gets online access to it, for which you will need to use a browser. The concept of CRM systems in the cloud indicates that regular subscription fees will have to be paid regularly. The user can customize CRM for conducting business processes. Cloud systems are the most popular.

Top CRM Systems

There are many standing systems that are very popular. Comparison of CRM systems helps to choose the most reliable, functional and advanced ones. We suggest to pay attention to such options:

  • HubSpot CRM
  • Salesforce CRM
  • Freshsales
  • Pipedrive
  • Zoho CRM

CRM systems are very useful and effective in terms of improving the quality of the company’s work, profit growth, and other important issues.

Do you use CRM systems in your company? How does it help your business?

