Promoting Responsible Management Education in partnership with AACSB

Upcoming events and key dates to note

Global Responsibility
2 min readOct 15, 2018


AACSB EMEA Conference 29–31 October, 2018 in Paris, France

We’re pleased to share three upcoming opportunities and key dates where GRLI partners are leveraging the platform of our strategic partners, including AACSB International, to promote and develop Responsible Management Education.

RME Affinity Group at AACSB EMEA Conference — 29 October

Mathias Falkenstein from LUISS Business School an Associate Partner of GRLI invites participation at the AACSB RME affinity group meeting held in conjunction with the upcoming 29–31 October AACSB Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) Annual Conference in Paris, France.

RME Affinity Group Meeting
29 October, 2018
Register here.

The meeting will focus on the development of Responsible Management Education in business schools and the role of accreditation, with GRLI Partner Aurélien Decamps from Kedge Business School presenting an update on the “Sustainability Literacy Test” Sulitest.

Falkenstein will present a new rating initiative to provide guidance to business schools delivering higher value to the society at large. The session will conclude with round table discussions and feedback plenary.

Responsible Management Education (RME) Affinity Group Steering Committee Forming — 1 November Deadline

GRLI Dean & Directors Cohort participant Cathy Dubois from Kent State University shares the news that the RME Affinity Group is forming a Steering Committee to facilitate planning of pre-conference meetings and learning journeys.

If you have an interest in serving on the RME Affinity Group Steering Committee, please complete this application form and return to Cathy by
1 November at

Call for Proposals: UN PRME Chapter North America — Oct 28 Deadline

The UN PRME Chapter North America 5th Regional Meeting will take place 2–4 June, 2019, in Cleveland, OH.

Two GRLI Partners namely Kent State University’s College of Business Administration and Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management and the Fowler Center for Business as an Agent of World Benefit are teaming up to co-host this meeting.

UN PRME Chapter North America 5th Regional Meeting Information Page

For information on proposal requirements and submission instructions, click the “Call for Proposals” link on the left side of the web page.

The deadline to submit proposals is Sunday, 28 October, 2018. Contact Mark Meaney, Chairperson, UN PRME Chapter North America, at for more information.

We welcome news about upcoming events and opportunities that are of interest to the GRLI community! Please send them to



Global Responsibility

The Globally Responsible Leadership Initiative exists to catalyze development of Global Responsibility in leadership and practice worldwide. Founded 2004.