Edible Bugs and Alternative Protein: Webinar Insights

Andrew Pico
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2020

Last week we held a discussion regarding FoodTech and AgriTech, particularly about the future of protein and the role technology plays in providing environmentally sustainable solutions to unsustainable mass-production methods. The pandemic has severe implications for international production networks and may leave its legacy for years to come. Also the resulting drop in demand, due to the imposed restrictions on movements of individuals, combined with concerns about health and safety of employees has led to factory closures which will adversely affect operations. Below are some notes from the discussion.

  • Hargol uses the technology that humans used in any other crop 10,000 years ago. We collected 20 kinds of grasshoppers in Israel and tried to find the perfect condition for each one. Then breed them and accelerate the incubation period of the eggs. They hatch in two weeks in our structure.
  • We create a climate-controlled environment: temperature, humidity, light per day, cage and the feed that we provide them.
  • CRUST is built around our belief in sustainability. Fresh surplus bread from restaurants, bars and bakeries are given a new lease on life by being brewed into CRUST beers. We convert bread crusts into beer. We also moved to citrus husks, peels and others.
  • Hay can accumulate 1000kg of bread waste In SG, a cocktail bar can accumulate 20–30kgs of citrus husks or peels. The supply chain hasn’t changed much. The preservation of bread is one of the oldest forms of making beer. In SG, there was a 20% wastage in food.
  • We only aim to have 4 types of beer. All other beers we are doing is collaboration. We believe in inclusion. When a bakery gives us bread, we will feature them in our bottle. I don’t have to pay for the bread and they get free marketing. We will do a series with cocktail bars.
  • We are bringing back history with a modern twist.
  • We will start exploring with rice, corn, anything with starch in it. As long as there is wastage in the world, we will try to be there and maximize the resources.

