3 marketing tricks that you can implement in all of your projects.

This is the story of how I find using simple marketing principles and pillars can make my job better, and sometimes even my decision making.

Ivana González
3 min readAug 31, 2021


I want to start by saying that no, I’m not in a marketing cult where we all start dancing to advertising gingles, metrics chants, and content calendars songs.
I’ve basically adopted all the good marketing stuff and implemented them in day-to-day activities that are part of my job, and sometimes part of my studying habits, goals, and plans.

For example, right now I’m leading an Instructional Design and Communication project at Globant completely focused on my client’s employees and career development, not customers, not prospects, or repeated clients. And I know you’re wondering, how does that relate to marketing at all? Well, this is how I’ve used my background and experience to make a “cojoined experience”.

But first, let’s all remember that in the end, marketing is ultimately interested in converting and in having clients coming back and repeating the buying cycle. Marketing is there to help you turn your clients into super loyal ones, it’s there to turn them into promoters of your brand amongst their friends, family and people in general. And obviously, Marketing will be your main contributor in positioning your brand in that key moment when your clients or prospects are considering buying something from you or when they are there, at the decision-making point.

So, why would attracting employees to your company, having them chose you over other top recruiters, keeping them as part of your staff, and having them recommending you to their closest friends and colleagues would be any different?

Since I see tons of resemblances between the two examples given, for the past few years, I’ve started implementing the above marketing cycle or funnel to almost everything I do at work. It’s worth mentioning that I also use as resources Design Thinking, Product Envisioning, Business & Cultural Hacking, plus other disciplines and techniques.

Here are 3 marketing approaches I use whenever I take on a new project:

  1. When you study your client, think about their business, differentials, goals, competitors, strengths and weaknesses, budget, ambitions, strategies around products and brand, think of everything that surrounds the values of your client’s brand even if you are considering working on an internal initiative. Why? Because the more you know about their mindset and culture, the more you will know how easily the target audience will adopt a proposed initiative also you will know who the strategies allies, advocates, and detractors are. You need them all, and they can all help achieve the business goals, or not…
  2. Once you’ve assessed the scenario and proposed a strategy make sure you tie it to a roadmap and measurable indicators. It could be KPIs or OKRs, depending on what approach is more suited, you have to be able to measure everything you do. Otherwise, how do you know it’s working
  3. Delight. It sounds obvious, yet it isn’t.
Delight your customers

I like to think that we are not only looking to convert our clients’ customers into loyal customers. Our intention and goal should be getting our client to be confident and loyal to our work, the same way their clients are with them.

I firmly believe, that when clients are satisfied and you managed to wow them on more than one occasion, they’ll trust your decision-making, budget allocation, and more daring ideas.
How do you wow them? It depends. It could be establishing new governance and workflow processes that fix a pain point, it could be empowering them by giving them the data and tools so they propose that new idea or plan that they know will work, or maybe it’s about letting them shine and turn them into your work biggest promoter.

Summarizing what I hope is useful reading, immerse in your client’s culture, set a timeline and measure, delight and let them shine. All of these should make your job easier and your initiatives more prompt to be implemented.

Stay tuned for more experience-related content!

