A Globant’s Journey

Carlos Francisco Alvarez Gallardo
Published in
8 min readNov 6, 2020

Someone recently asked me about my career at Globant, what made me choose this company and what opportunities I have seen, analyzing a little bit those questions I found interesting to share my vision of how I see Globant and the QA career here.

The Globant’s call

To understand my vision of Globant a little bit better, I consider it essential to understand where I came from and how I arrived here.

It was 2014 when my wife joined Globant by reference from a former co-worker, at that time although I knew the company and knew the importance they had in the global market, I couldn’t fully understand how they worked. Having my wife’s vision I was able to understand in a better way their culture and technology vision for which Globant is recognized. By that time I had little more than 8 years of experience in which I had achieved to grow rapidly from a technical profile to a management profile in QA areas and I was shaping my career in that sense, but also, I was looking for a leap that would allow me to go from a more local market to a global experience.

It’s here when Globant appeared and made the first big difference, since the process with my wife, they were also interested in me and wanted to know me, something that in itself ends up being disruptive with the local companies, where having a couple in the same company, generated conflicts of interest but in Globant, they not only didn’t see it as a problem but as a plus, this mindset made me to became interested in what opportunities might exist there. To summarize the story a bit, I participated in a quick and pleasant process where, despite having previously management positions, at Globant I would start as a Senior Advanced Analyst, going back to the technical road but with the great expectation of working with another type of clients and projects and getting involved with technologies that at that time were worldwide disruptive and that is why, a little over a month after my wife joined Globant, I also joined with great expectations and challenges in front of me.

And why Globant?

Something that many ask me is why I made that change to go from a management position and taking “a step back” returning to a more technical profile, the first thing is that I never saw it as a setback but as a refocusing of my career that allowed me to face a more prosperous path in one of the biggest companies of software in the world, but also, I think there were three important factors that allowed me to take that decision:

First, the opportunity to work with an innovative company that allows me to work on different projects at a worldwide level, where you know that the impact you could generate would reach thousands or even millions of people.

Second, Globant has thousands of people spread in the world and working together, giving you an amazing intercultural experience and the opportunity to also have new leadership challenges with people with different cultures and beliefs that allow you to open your mind and understand the different perspectives.

And the third and most important one, Globant is one of the few companies that I know that offers a full career in QA, which for me is key, seeing that I have opportunities to grow without neglecting the technical part that I am passionate about and that allows you to be disruptive in an industry that is always in constant evolution.

I think these first two made me take the decision, but I could mention a fourth one, which is what makes me bet on Globant every day,

The inspiration and motivation you get from globers.

At Globant you constantly find sources of inspiration to move forward, of course, the leaders that you can interact within Globant, starting with the Founders, C-level, VPs, etc. are people who are always human and close and willing to support, guide and give you new perspectives and approaches, but it is also true that something that inspires me a lot is to see guys who are starting their careers or who have struggled to get an opportunity in Globant and nowhere, how fast They growth, it is incredible to see the talent and great ambition that young people have and that inspires me to go further and want to constantly grow too.

Growth at Globant

As I mentioned, in Globant I started as QC Senior Advanced, but with hard work and with the guidance and motivation of my leaders and coworkers I was able to move to Tech Manager and then Tech Director in a few years, which for me was to achieve a goal that I dreamed of since the beginning due to since that moment I understood that the career in Globant is made by each glober and the leaders are there to support us but it is our duty to walk the way.

In addition to that, I believe that the most important factors that have helped me to get this growth are the opportunity to innovate, the ability to adapt to different changes and opportunities that the company and the industry have been, apply new technologies, such as AI, Big Data, automation, cloud, device testing, among others, or define new application approaches, which also allows our clients to see us as an industry referent. In that sense, the opportunity to participate in innovative projects that allow you to always go one step further, having spaces to share experiences and learn about the experiences from others has been key for this to happen.

Globant a constant training school

In addition to the previous point, there is something that marks the career in Globant and is that during the years that I have been in Globant, I have not stopped training me and supporting to train other globers, either participating in formal trainings such as, learning new technologies or processes with other globers or even self-learning and research to solve challenges I might have in the projects. Additionally, I consider that learning in Globant is continuous, there is always an opportunity to learn different types of technologies, develop soft skills and leadership skills, which allows you, among the challenges you have, to facilitate that career development.

But, what differentiates the QE profile at Globant?

When you want to develop a career, it is important to have a focus on the opportunities you can have and how to take advantage of them. I believe that a QE in Globant is someone who is always thinking big, who is never satisfied with what he has to do, always looking to go further, who likes to research and innovate solutions with the latest technologies, someone who is seen by clients as a technology referent and who always is looking to support his team, the client and other globers in being better every day, this, going beyond the day to day, translates into key factors that allow a person to go one step ahead in an industry that is very competitive.

Also, there are some important factors that differentiate how we see the practice at Globant versus other companies of the same level:

  • Testing is not seen just like a stage at the end of the development cycle, but rather it is actually involved throughout the entire process, providing quality and defining quality gates from the definition stages to delivering the product to production.
  • Testing is not seen as a standard practice, we look to adapt it according to the needs of different industries and project types.
  • We look to be at the forefront of technology and even go further in order to find the best and most effective solutions for our clients and projects, that is why concepts such as AI, Big Data, Cloud, among others are in our day to day.

The plus of clients and projects

The portfolio of clients and projects that Globant has is simply surprising, therefore the opportunities to do great things are on the table, Globant has a focus on understanding how their clients are, how they project their business and how, through technology, we can support them to be more relevant in their different industries and to grow and evolve looking to be more relevant and impacting their users in a positive way.

At the client level, you find close and cordial relationships, generating a space for collaboration and ideation, clients tend to see us as industry experts and look to raise their problems or needs to work together seeking new possibilities that allow them to be more effective in their processes and have products with higher quality.

At the project level, there’s the opportunity to be disruptive in the industry, generating new development approaches and trends, getting out of the common schemes and be able to work with innovative technologies, projects where you have to devise an unconventional solution or even define approaches that do not yet exist in the industry, adding the opportunity to impact thousands and even millions of users with high-quality products, this is a unique factor that allows you to have an interesting career development not only at Globant but in the world of technology.

The contribution of working in various industries

Being at Globant it is easy to find opportunities to work in different industries, which allows you to develop a more cross thinking and vision of technology, looking for the different solutions to contribute in the industries, as well as understanding that when you are going to focus on a particular industry you have to understand what are those factors that mark the difference and how you can rely on them to generate much more effective solutions.

The future

Globant is a world of opportunities, the important thing is to be clear about what you want to do and how you want to focus your career, and from there, advance through it. In Globant the career is made by each glober, the opportunities are there and with a company with such a broad growth and that always is looking to adapt and respond to new challenges, there are always more opportunities to develop a career and grow. When I joined Globant, I had a clear goal that I was able to meet before time, but now looking forward, there is still a lot of space to grow, new opportunities that have arisen during these years and that will surely continue appearing as Globant continues evolving, which also, It’s a great opportunity for those who think big, looking for great career challenges, being disruptive and innovative in the industry and especially looking to impact positively the society.

In Globant, following our values like, working with this great team, being disruptive and innovative, enjoying what I do every day, but most importantly thinking big, have given me the chance to see opportunities and accomplished goals that I wasn’t dreamed of before and I can truly say I’m living a dream and I’m totally sure that everyone who wants to do amazing things will have the opportunity to live this dream too, so let’s rock the world…!!

