All about AWS Serverless Design Patterns

Miguel Hernández Giusti
Published in
7 min readJun 30, 2023
Image from Unsplash

Software design and architecture play crucial roles in the success of any application or system. They define the code’s structure, behavior, and organization, ensuring the solution will be scalable, maintainable, and efficient. One of the critical aspects of software design is using software design patterns, which are proven and reusable solutions to common design problems. Patterns provide a structured approach to building software, enabling developers to leverage best practices and industry-standard techniques.

In this article, we will review the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) and how it can help us implement such software development patterns. The AWS CDK is a powerful tool that simplifies designing, developing, and deploying cloud infrastructure. We will discuss some software patterns commonly used when using AWS CDK.

CDK Advantages

The AWS CDK allows developers to use familiar programming languages like Python, JavaScript, or other general-purpose languages to create Infrastructure as Code (IaC) applications. The implementation of AWS CDK provides a higher-level abstraction and generates raw CloudFormation templates, enabling developers to deploy their infrastructure requirements using object-oriented programming concepts.

Advantages of patterns in software design and architecture

Patterns offer several advantages when it comes to software design and architecture. Firstly, patterns provide proven solutions to recurring issues. They encapsulate the collective knowledge and experience of the software development community, ensuring developers don’t have to reinvent the wheel for every project. By using patterns, developers can benefit from battle-tested solutions that have been refined and optimized over time.

Secondly, patterns promote consistency and standardization. They establish a common language and set of conventions, making it easier for developers to collaborate and understand each other’s code. Patterns provide a common language that allows developers to communicate effectively and efficiently. Moreover, patterns ensure that the design and architecture of an application are consistent and coherent, becoming a more maintainable and scalable system.

Popular CDK Patterns

The following are popular, well-known patterns.

The EFS lambda pattern

The EFS lambda pattern is a practical approach for scenarios where you must share data across multiple invocations of a lambda function. It uses Amazon Elastic File System (EFS) to provide a shared file system that many instances of the lambda function can access. This pattern lets you store and retrieve data between function invocations, allowing for stateful processing within serverless architectures. By leveraging the CDK, you can easily define and deploy the necessary infrastructure components, including the EFS file system, lambda function, and their respective permissions.

The EFS lambda pattern — Image from cdk-patterns

Common uses for the EFS lambda pattern are:

  1. Data Sharing and Persistence: The EFS lambda pattern is helpful in scenarios where you must share data across multiple invocations of a lambda function. You can store and retrieve data between function invocations using EFS as the shared file system. The EFS lambda pattern is particularly beneficial when you have stateful processing requirements to maintain data across multiple function executions. For example, in a video transcoding application, you can use EFS to store intermediate video files processed by multiple lambda functions.
  2. Content Management Systems: Content Management Systems (CMS) often require storing and retrieving media files, such as images, videos, or documents. The EFS lambda pattern can be employed to manage the storage and retrieval of these files across lambda function invocations. By storing the files in an EFS file system, you can ensure that the content is accessible to multiple functions, allowing for efficient processing and manipulation. This pattern enables seamless integration between lambda functions responsible for content management and other parts of the application stack.
  3. Real-time Analytics and Data Processing: EFS lambda pattern can benefit applications that require real-time analytics or data processing. For example, in a log processing system, you can use EFS to store and share log files across multiple lambda functions responsible for processing and analyzing the logs. This pattern allows you to maintain a centralized repository of logs that can be processed efficiently by numerous functions concurrently. It provides a scalable and cost-effective solution for real-time data processing scenarios.

The State Machine pattern

The State Machine and Step Functions patterns help orchestrate complex workflows and business processes. It leverages AWS Step Functions, a serverless workflow service, to define and execute State Machines. With CDK, you can use Python to represent State Machines using a highly readable and expressive syntax. The CDK constructs abstract away the underlying CloudFormation resources and permissions required for Step Functions, making it easier to define and deploy complex State Machines within your application.

The State Machine pattern — Image from cdk-patterns

Common uses for the State Machine pattern:

  1. Workflow Orchestration: The State Machine pattern helps orchestrate complex workflows and business processes. It enables you to define and manage the flow of tasks and activities within an application. For example, in an e-commerce platform, you can use the State Machine pattern to control the order fulfillment process, which involves multiple steps such as inventory check, payment processing, and shipping. Each step can represent a state in the State Machine, and the transitions between states represent the progression of the workflow.
  2. Error Handling and Retry Logic: The State Machine pattern is excellent for handling error scenarios and implementing retry logic. Using the State Machine pattern, you can define states and transitions that control different error conditions. For instance, if a step fails due to a transient error in a data processing pipeline, the State Machine can be configured to retry the operation several times before moving to an error state. This pattern enables robust error handling and ensures the workflow progresses smoothly, even in the face of failures.
  3. Chatbots and Conversational Interfaces: The State Machine pattern is well-suited for building chatbots and conversational interfaces. It lets you define the different states and transitions based on user inputs and system responses. For instance, in a customer support chatbot, a State Machine can capture the conversation flow, determine the appropriate responses based on user queries, and guide the conversation toward the desired outcome. This pattern provides a structured approach to building intelligent and interactive conversational experiences.

The EventBridge ETL pattern

The EventBridge ETL pattern facilitates the extraction, transformation, and loading of data from various sources into a target system. It leverages AWS EventBridge, a serverless event bus service, to receive events from different sources and trigger the necessary processing logic. CDK enables you to define the event rules, mapping transformations, and target services using Python code. Using the EventBridge ETL pattern, you can build scalable and decoupled data pipelines that handle real-time event processing and integration tasks.

The EventBridge ETL pattern — Image from cdk-patterns

Common uses for the EventBridge ETL Pattern:

  1. Real-time Data Integration: The EventBridge ETL pattern is ideal for real-time data integration scenarios. It enables you to capture events from various sources, such as databases, APIs, or streaming services, and transform them into a format suitable for your target system. For instance, you can use the pattern to capture and process events from an e-commerce platform, convert them into a standardized format, and deliver them to a data warehouse or analytics service in real-time. This pattern allows for seamless data integration and synchronization between different systems.
  2. Data Enrichment and Augmentation: The EventBridge ETL pattern is valuable for enriching and augmenting data with additional information. By leveraging the pattern, you can capture events from one or more sources, extract relevant data, and enhance it with supplementary information from external services or databases. For example, you can enrich customer events with demographic data, purchase history, or social media profiles in a customer management system. This pattern empowers you to enhance the value of your data and enable personalized experiences or targeted marketing campaigns.
  3. System and Application Monitoring: The EventBridge ETL pattern is well-suited for system and application monitoring use cases. You can capture events from various monitoring sources, such as log files, performance metrics, or error notifications, and perform real-time analysis or trigger appropriate actions. For example, you can use the pattern to capture and process logs from multiple microservices, identify error patterns or anomalies, and generate alerts or initiate automated remediation processes. This pattern enables you to build a robust and proactive monitoring system.


Software design patterns and the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) are powerful tools for building scalable and maintainable serverless architectures. By leveraging patterns, developers can benefit from proven solutions to common design problems, ensuring project consistency and standardization. CDK further enhances the development experience by allowing developers to express Infrastructure as Code using familiar programming languages like Python. With CDK, patterns like the EFS lambda, State Machine, and EventBridge ETL can be implemented easily, enabling developers to build highly scalable, resilient, and cost-efficient serverless applications that can scale to meet the demands of modern cloud computing environments.

By leveraging AWS CDK and the powerful patterns discussed above, developers can unlock the full potential of serverless architectures in AWS. These patterns provide proven solutions to common design challenges, enabling developers to build scalable, resilient, and cost-effective applications. With the flexibility and expressiveness of CDK, it becomes easier to implement these patterns using Python and define the necessary infrastructure as code. Whether sharing data with the EFS lambda pattern, orchestrating complex workflows with the State Machine pattern, or integrating and transforming events with the EventBridge ETL pattern, CDK empowers developers to architect robust and efficient serverless systems. By harnessing the capabilities of AWS CDK and these patterns, developers can accelerate their development process, reduce operational overhead, and focus on delivering value to their users. So, embrace the power of AWS Serverless Patterns and let your imagination soar as you build innovative and scalable serverless applications in the cloud.




Miguel Hernández Giusti
Writer for

I define myself as a technologist and entrepreneur. I am an experienced software developer/Infrastructure engineer with agile mindset.