Are You Ready For Drupal 11?

Is your website prepared for its 2024 release?

Esteban Spina
5 min readSep 8, 2023


Drupal from Drupal.Org

The Drupal CMS community analyzes the release of Drupal 11 in 2024 in multiple publications, emphasizing the importance of ensuring that our websites are prepared for this update by all possible means. Version 11 of our beloved CMS is a major release that brings significant changes and improvements to the Content Management System. Having read multiple related articles and as a conclusion of talks with highly specialized architects, I confirm that we must plan and evaluate the compatibility of our websites with Drupal 11 with enough time to avoid interruptions or possible problems during the update process.

It is extremely important to use all channels at our disposal to stay up to date with the Drupal release cycle and take advantage of the latest releases leading up to Drupal 11, as by keeping our websites up to date with minor releases, you can minimize the effort required for release. eventual migration to Drupal 11. We should also try to participate as much as possible in the Drupal CMS community to obtain feedback from other users and developers, this will allow us to stay informed on best practices for a smooth transition.

The Drupal 11 release is scheduled for sometime between August and December 2024.

Don’t worry, but make sure the tools are updated

The challenge that arises with phpstan-drupal and drupal-rector, and other specialized tools is their rapid obsolescence in the face of changes in the Drupal core. While the situation is improving for phpstan-drupal as it now works with PHPStan, both projects require the creation of specialized code to detect and remedy changes.

To address the issue, we need to review the change logs more consistently to check for any implications to the aforementioned tools. Currently, the process is done retrospectively, and we have to examine the changelogs over a long period of time to confirm if the tool supports the changes. It would be better to have an approval process before publishing a changelog.

There is a GitHub repository that transfers Drupal CMS core changelogs to reported issues. This hotfix helps them with necessary updates to our tools. You can access the repository here.

Learn about the dependency changes for Drupal 11

Adding compatibility for the latest major and minor versions of dependencies to a Drupal CMS project involves several steps to ensure that your project remains up-to-date and compatible with the latest libraries and modules.

Here’s a general outline of what you need to do:

  • Identify Dependencies: List down all the dependencies your Drupal project relies on. These could include core modules, contributed modules, themes, and external libraries.
  • Check for Updates: Regularly check the Drupal community and module/theme repositories for updates. and GitHub are common places to find updates for Drupal modules and themes.
  • Update Core and Modules: Update your Drupal core to the latest version available. Similarly, update all contributed modules and themes to their latest compatible versions. You can do this via the admin interface or using Composer (if your project is using Composer-based management).
  • Check for Compatibility: Verify that the updated versions of the modules/themes are compatible with the latest Drupal core. Sometimes, new core releases can introduce changes that require module updates.
  • Update Custom Code: If you have custom code (modules, themes, etc.), make sure it’s compatible with the latest versions of Drupal Core and any updated dependencies. Test and update your custom code accordingly.
  • Test Thoroughly: Create a staging environment and thoroughly test your website after updating dependencies. This includes testing various functionalities, user interactions, and making sure everything works as expected.
  • Handle Deprecated Code: With major updates, some APIs and functions might be deprecated or removed. Update your custom code to use the new recommended practices to avoid compatibility issues.
  • Backup and Rollback Plan: Before making updates, always back up your website and database. In case something goes wrong, you can roll back to the previous version. Having a solid backup strategy is crucial.
  • Address Incompatibilities: If you encounter compatibility issues during testing, identify the problematic module or code causing the issue. You might need to search for solutions online or contact the module’s maintainers for guidance.
  • Update Documentation: If you maintain documentation for your project, ensure that it reflects the latest versions of dependencies and provides any relevant information about the updates.
  • Continuous Maintenance: Regularly perform these steps to keep your Drupal project updated and compatible. This helps prevent accumulating technical debt and ensures you’re using the latest security patches and features.
  • Consider Automation: Using tools like Composer can automate the process of updating dependencies to their latest versions while ensuring compatibility. This can save time and reduce the chances of human error.

But regardless of the aforementioned task list, and in order to be able to update our dependencies with Drupal 11 in mind, we need to add forward compatibility with new versions in Drupal 10.

Check out this page for more details.

The Future of Drupal

This new major release was not expected in this short period of time. But, when it arrives, it will force all the latest versions of Drupal websites to migrate to Drupal 11. Upgrading to this new version will be an exciting opportunity for everyone who wants to get the best of Drupal. The migration process should not be a concern, at least not in the short term, as it can be expected to be done with ease, and the changes it can bring to our websites will be worth the wait.

Drupal 11 is expected to address several aspects of the CMS, including enhanced content editing features, improved performance, and new capabilities for developers. It is also expected to bring great innovations to the CMS and make it even more powerful and capable.


The blog serves as a reminder to website owners to start preparing early for the new major release of Drupal CMS in 2024. By conducting a comprehensive website audit, engaging with Drupal experts, and staying updated with Drupal’s new release cycle, businesses can ensure a seamless transition and take advantage of the new features and improvements offered by Drupal 11.


