Google Play App Transfer

App Transfer from One Google Play Account to Another

Ajinkya Saswade
8 min readAug 21, 2023


Photo by Chris Adamus on Unsplash

Nowadays creating an Android app and publishing it on the play store requires a lot of effort and time, as it goes through all the Google Play security checks and after approval it gets live. However, there is an easy way to get it transferred from one account to another with the same package name and details.

In this article, you will learn how to transfer an app from one Google Play account to another Google Play account.


As a prerequisite, you will need both an old and a new active Google Play developer account, along with their respective transaction IDs. The transaction ID is received when you make the payment for the Google Play Console Developer Account. If you want to open an account, here is the link.

Once you have the transaction ID you need to then fill out an app transfer request form. Once you login into the play console you can find the option “Setup” on the left-hand side and under the setup option you can find the “App transfer” option at the bottom.

Setup image for App Transfer.

App Transfer

In the app transfer, you can find below two options.

  • Transfer Request.
  • Apps being transferred to you.

The below image will show a glimpse of it.

App Transfer screenshot.

The first option “Your transfer request” is used when you want to transfer an app from one Google Play account to another. The second option “Apps being transferred to you” is used when you are accepting apps from another account.

As we want to transfer an app from one account to another so we will go with the first option. In the first option, you can see there is a blue color text called “Transfer apps” We need to select that option to transfer the app which will open a small form kind of screen in which it will ask for details. Once you click on it below is the screen image that will be opened.

App Transfer request form.

The above form screen contains a few fields which are required to fill before making a request for an app transfer.

  • Transaction ID: This is the ID that was mentioned earlier in this document. This ID is received when the payment/transaction is made during registering the Google Play Account/Console. As we are transferring the app from Account A to Account B so the transaction ID required here will be of Account A.
  • New Developer Account: As you can see in the hint it mentions the developer ID or app package name, so here we need to enter the package name of the app that needs to be transferred to another account.
  • Reason for transfer: There can be various reasons for app transferring, however, some of them are mentioned in the list; below is the screenshot of the list.
Image of multiple reasons for transfer.

As you can see there are seven options and you can select any one of them which is relevant to you. If the above options are not relevant to you then you can select the last option “Other” and then mention your reason for transfer.

  • Business relationship: There are some pre-defined relationships mentioned in the list. If that matches the business relationship it can be selected or there is another option at the last known as “None of the above”. This reason can be selected only when all of the mentioned business relationships are invalid. Here is the image of a list of business relationships.
Image of multiple Business relationships option.

Once all the required details are filled you will see the “Review and transfer” button at the bottom right corner which will be enabled and you can click on it, once you have verified the entered details. After you click on it you will see a new screen which will be similar to the below screenshot.

Glimpse of overview when you accept the agreement.

This new screen is a combination of an overview of all the entered details and the agreements which need to be followed and accepted to make the app transfer from one account to another.

In this, you’ll find the 15% service fee Terms of Service link or you can copy and paste the below link.

Once you have gone through the terms and other details you can check the checkbox of acknowledge and agree to terms as shown in the image and then the “Agree and transfer” button at the bottom right corner will get enabled and you can click on it.

When you click on that button the process of app transfer from one Google Play account to another (i.e. from an old Google Play account to a new account) is initiated and you can see the below screen which will also reflect in your “App transfer” option of the first screen.

Image of App transfer section after initiating it.

When you see this screen which means the app transfer from the old account is done and you will receive an email like in the image below.

Image of mail received.

As you can see in the above image the app transfer from the old account is requested and it is waiting for the new account to acknowledge i.e. either accept/respond or cancel the transfer.

In new account

Once you login to the Google Play console and navigate to the App transfer settings (which was shown earlier) you will find the app in the “Apps being transferred to you”.

Here is the image of how it will look.

Image of App transfer section on the receiving end.

In the above image there is only a single app transferred that’s why you can see a single app entry for request. The app transfer section of the new account will display the number of apps that are requested.

To confirm the transfer request click on the “Review request” which is displayed for the respective app. Once you click on it, it will show the summary of the app transfer with agreements that need to be agreed. Here is the image below of how it will look.

Image of App transfer accepting screen on receiving end.

Once all the details are confirmed and all the agreements are agreed upon, click on the “I acknowledge and agree to these statements” checkbox, and after that click on the “Agree and transfer” button at the bottom right corner.

The next screen will show the transfer request accepted screen.

Image when app transfer is initiated.

As you can see in the image the transfer request acceptance process is completed and now it is in process and will be reviewed by the Google Play Console team; after a few days, you will receive an update on it. If everything works fine then the app transfer will happen successfully.

You will receive an email update which will be similar to the below email.

Image of email when the app transfer request is accepted.

As you can see in the above image it says the transfer app request has been accepted and it will be reviewed by the Google Play Console team. We need to wait for a few days to get the update, if we don’t receive any update in that duration we can connect with the Google Play Console team or the respective person asking to check the status of the app transfer.

Once the Google Play Console team reviews and accepts the transfer request, you receive an email update which will look like the image below.

Image of email when app transfer is completed.

This means the app transfer was successful and you can verify the newly transferred app on the new Google Play Console Account. You will also see the status of the transfer in the “App transfer” option on the Google Play console. Here is the image of how it will look once the app is transferred.

Image of app transfer section.

When you verify the image’s screen for your app, you can then confirm that the app transfer process is successful.


Here are some additional tips for transferring an app:

  • Make sure that both accounts are active and have the correct permissions.
  • Download any reports or data that you may need from the old account before you transfer the app.
  • Update any ad SDK integrations in your app after the transfer is complete.

Note: Back up your app’s all reports before making the app transfer.


In conclusion, transferring an app from one Google Play account to another is a relatively straightforward process. The first step is to gather the necessary information, including the transaction ID for the original account and the package name of the app. Once you have this information, you can fill out an app transfer request form. The form will ask for some basic information about the app and the reason for the transfer. Once you have submitted the form, it will be reviewed by Google. If the transfer is approved, the app will be transferred to the new account within a few days.

Thank you for reading and I hope this helps you to transfer your app from the old account to the new account successfully.

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Happy Coding 🙂

