Optimizing Mobile Content Delivery: Headless CMS + Mobile-First

Unlock the power of Mobile Content Customization with Headless CMS and a Mobile-First Approach

Gayatri Kokje
5 min readJun 16, 2023


Picture showing multiple mobile users
Rise of mobile users

In this article, we will explore the synergistic benefits of combining a Headless CMS with a Mobile-First Approach and how organizations can successfully leverage this amalgamation to create captivating mobile experiences and stay ahead in today’s mobile-centric digital world.

What is a Headless Content Management System(CMS)?

A Headless CMS is a content management system that separates the back end (which handles content management and storage) from the front-end presentation layer. Instead, it provides content through an API, which allows developers to deliver content to various platforms and devices independently. This decoupled architecture provides flexibility and enables the integration of different front-end technologies.

Some popular headless content management systems (CMS) include:

  • Strapi (strapi.io): Strapi is an open-source headless CMS built on Node.js. It provides a customizable admin panel and allows developers to build APIs quickly.
  • Contentful (contentful.com): Contentful is a cloud-based headless CMS enabling access via APIs. It offers a user-friendly interface for content creation and management.
  • WordPress(wordpress.com): WordPress can also be used as a headless CMS using plugins like WPGraphQL or the WordPress REST API.
  • Adobe Experience Manager (adobe.com): Adobe Experience Manager enables you to build custom applications using AEM as a content repository. This allows for decoupling the front end from the CMS and building custom applications that work seamlessly with other Adobe Experience Cloud products. For example, you can use AEM to collect and analyze data from your website or app or use it to create personalized experiences across multiple channels, such as email marketing and social media.

Why use a Headless CMS?

To plan a comprehensive content strategy for the ever-evolving digital landscape, businesses must consider consumers interacting with brands through various channels, including social media platforms, mobile apps, and smart devices. This requires optimizing content for different devices and ensuring it is easily adaptable for different channels. Otherwise, content duplication and rework will be necessary when changes are made, and consistency across channels will be challenging to maintain. This is where a Headless CMS (Content Management System) can be beneficial.

3 scenarios where Headless CMS makes sense
Three scenarios where Headless CMS makes sense

What is the mobile-first approach?

When developing websites or applications, the Mobile-First Approach is a design and development strategy that prioritizes the user experience on mobile devices. This involves designing and optimizing mobile device content, layouts, and interactions before considering larger screens.

Why a mobile-first approach?

According to recent statistics, the use of mobile phones has significantly increased across all age groups. Therefore, it is crucial for businesses to include mobile devices in their customer experience journeys.

Statistics showing the rise of mobile users
Source: Statista 2023

In the past, customer experiences were primarily designed for web pages using traditional CMS and then adapted for mobile devices, resulting in a poor end-user experience. This led to the development of the mobile-first approach.

By adopting the mobile-first approach, businesses can ensure their content is easily accessible and readable on mobile devices, leading to better user experiences, increased engagement, and improved search engine rankings.

3 reasons for adopting mobile-first approach
Three reasons for adopting a mobile-first approach

A few companies have effectively incorporated the mobile-first approach into their content publishing strategies. Here are a few examples:

  • Instagram(www.Instagram.com) was initially released as a mobile app and later expanded to include a web-based platform. By prioritizing the mobile user experience, Instagram was able to develop an attractive and user-friendly platform that drew in millions of users.
Image showing evolution of Instagram app
Image Credit: Prototypr
  • The New York Times (www.nytimes.com) is a renowned newspaper that has effectively adopted the mobile-first approach. They offer a mobile app that presents news and articles in a user-friendly format, allowing them to reach a broader audience and boost their digital subscriber count.
Image showing The New York Times mobile and web apps
Image source: Dezeen

When an organization combines a Headless CMS with a Mobile-First Approach, it can produce and distribute optimized content for mobile devices while capitalizing on the benefits of a decoupled CMS architecture. Here is a breakdown of the process:

  1. Choosing a headless CMS: Select a suitable one that fits your organization’s needs.
  2. Designing for Mobile-First: Identify key mobile user behaviors, preferences, and limitations.
  3. Content Creation and Management: Create and manage your content in a structured manner.
  4. Front-end Development: Choose front-end technologies that best suit your mobile experience requirements.
  5. API Integration: Utilize the APIs provided by the Headless CMS to retrieve and deliver content to your mobile applications or mobile-friendly websites.
  6. Testing and Optimization: Test your mobile content and user interface across various devices and screen sizes to ensure a seamless user experience.
  7. Iteration and Improvement: Continuously monitor user behavior, collect analytics data, and iterate on your mobile content strategy based on user feedback.

This method guarantees that the content is customized for mobile devices, provides an outstanding user experience, and takes advantage of the adaptability and expandability of a decoupled CMS architecture.


Today, businesses are forced to think outside the box regarding content delivery. For example, they must ensure their sites load quickly and look good on as many devices as possible. That’s why it’s important to follow some best practices for designing content for mobile devices — including considerations for structure, formatting, and navigation. Headless CMS is an innovative solution that separates presentation from content so that you can easily publish multi-channel content. It also allows you to achieve faster time-to-market by separating code from presentations; that way, you can achieve greater consistency in your published content by eliminating redundancies and ensuring that your site always looks the same everywhere it’s accessed by users.

