Integrating GitHub and UiPath

Bhagyashri Pandey
Published in
5 min readOct 13, 2023

UiPath is a RPA (robotic process automation) tool for large-scale end-to-end automation. For an accelerated business change, it provides solutions for businesses to automate routine office activities. It uses a variety of methods to transform tedious tasks into automated processes.

We can develop software robots (also called bots) using UiPath that mimic human actions and perform tasks just like a human would do. Unlike humans, bots produce rapid results without making errors. Thus, UiPath can help organizations convert their boring, repetitive tasks into an automated process and allow humans to focus on other tasks that require human intelligence or intervention.

Now, let's explore how to integrate UiPath with Git to enable developers to track code changes, review code history, and revert to previous versions of the project when necessary.

How to create an account on GitHub and in Uipath?

To integrate GitHub with UiPath, we first need to create accounts. Let's see how we can do that:

  • UiPath: The community is offering assistance in downloading a free studio. (To download Uipath Community Studio, please follow the link provided.)
  • GitHub URL: We can create a free account by using the GitHub URL. (Please refer to the link to learn about creating your own GitHub Repository.)
  • To create an account on Git, please follow the steps provided in the link.

Steps to Download Uipath Studio:

  • To access the UiPath website, please open your web browser and navigate to
  • To access UiPath Downloads, click on the “Resources” tab or find the “Downloads” link on the website.
  • On the Downloads page, you can find various UiPath products. If you’re looking for the free version, search for “UiPath Studio Community”. Otherwise, search for “UiPath Studio”.
  • You can either log in to your existing UiPath account or create a new one by following the prompts provided to complete the registration process.

Integrate Uipath with GitHub

Let's see the below example!

  • Create a Repository in GitHub. Click on Create a Repository in GitHub.
Please locate the "Create repository" option on the left-hand side.
  • Enter the repository name, select private/public, then click “create”.
Fields required for creating a Repository
  • To create a project on UiPath Studio, simply click on a process Tab in a new project.
  • After creating the project, go to the Home page and choose the Team option.
Uipath Studio(GIT Init)
  • Select the project folder in GIT Init, add it to the local repository, and check if a .git file is created in the folder location.
  • When you open the comment change pop-up, you can view all the files and leave a message.
Select Main XAML in Uipath
  • After clicking “Commit & Push”, open “Manage Remotes”. Write the repository name and copy its URL. Click “Add” and then “Save”.
  • To gain access, please select “SignIn with GitHub” on the Credentials page and then click “OK.”
  • You will receive an error message because the UiPath GitHub application is not installed and configured for your account.
Pop-up error message.
  • We can solve the error by installing UiPath GitHub. To do so, go to the GitHub Apps website and click on "Install."
GitHub-App Uipath Page

Delete Repository

Deleting a repository involves permanently removing a project or codebase from a version control system, such as Git. This action effectively erases all the files, commits, branches, and history associated with that repository.

To delete a repository on platforms like GitHub, you can usually follow these steps:

  • To delete a repository, click on it first and then click on Settings.
Select Setting
  • Scroll Down to the Danger Zone and click on Delete Repository.
Select Delete this repository

Cloning a Repository

Cloning a repository in Uipath involves creating a copy of an existing repository from a version control system, such as Git. Cloning is a fundamental operation when working with version control, as it allows you to collaborate on projects, contribute changes, and keep track of updates. This copy includes all the files, commits, branches, and history of the original storage.

To clone a repository, please follow the specific steps below.

  • Please navigate to the Repository and select “Code”. Then, copy the URL from Github.
Copy Url from Code
  • To get started, open Uipath Studio and navigate to the Teams tab. From there, select Clone Repository.
Uipath(Clone Repository)
  • In the pop-up, paste the repository URL, provide the path for storing the cloned repository, click on "Use Credentials”, and click "Open".
Clone a Remote GIT repository in Uipath

When working with UiPath, there are a few commands you will often use. The next sections show the most important ones.

Commiting changes

This ensures you save any changes to the local repository in UiPath.

Select Commit

Click on the project and select Commit. Choose the .xaml file with changes.

Select Xaml

Pushing changes

We can use "push" in UiPath to send saved changes to a remote repository, making them accessible to others with access to that repository. When you push your project, changes will reflect on the remote repository.

Reflection of code changes in the Repository

Pulling changes

When working with UiPath, "Pull" refers to the process of fetching data from the local repository.

Select Pull Option in Uipath


We have seen how GitHub can be used with UiPath, making it easy to version control your work. Once you complete a significant task, you can save your code/project to Git. This will store it with its relevant remarks and details on who added/modified it. You can refer to this version of the project at any time or the fully committed final version.


