Problem Solving with JavaScript-Part 1 (Anagram)

Krupa Bhatt
Published in
3 min readJun 20, 2022

In this series we will solve few common/uncommon problems using JavaScript with a different mindset (complexity and various ways to do it). For part 1, let’s start with a simple problem like Anagram.

Best way to solve anagram problem:

Anagram strings are two strings built up by the same set of characters, where the order of characters is the only difference in the strings.
Anagram Examples

First let’s understand the problem,

To check whether 2 strings make an anagram, we will take a JavaScript function that will have 2 (or more) strings as arguments and it should return true if they have the same character instances, otherwise should return false.

For Example,

i) anagramChecker (Friend, Finder) => True

ii) anagramChecker (Race, Care) => True

iii) anagramChecker (Park, Tree) => False

iv) anagramChecker (Trap, Part) => True

v) anagramChecker (Draw, Drawing) => False

vi) anagramChecker (Height, Width) => False

Let’s think step by step towards the solution:

Step -1:

Whenever you have to compare strings, what comes to your mind first?
Yes you are right, length-check..
so let’s compare the length of 2 strings:

function anagramChecker(str1, str2) { if (str1.length === str2.length) { // Next Steps } else { return false; } }

We will go ahead with the comparison only if length matches.

Step -2:

Now we have various paths from here:

i) Using loop (O(n²)):

One of my colleague suggested me the way, in which we directly start for loop to compare each and every instances of the string as below:

function anagramChecker(str1, str2) { if (str1.length === str2.length) { strArr2 = str2.split(‘’); for (character of word1) { let foundChar = strArr2.find(char => char.toLowerCase() == character.toLowerCase()); if (!foundChar) return false; return true; } } else { return false; } }

The above technique, will work efficiently if we have best-case strings scenario like : Height, Width -The loop will stop when character “e” won’t be present in the 2nd string.
However, take an example of strings “Part” and “Trap”, it will loop through 4 iterations to check that character “P” is present in the 2nd string or not.

The complexity of this will be due to 2 simultaneous for loop & find().

ii) Using string and array manipulation methods (O(n logn)):

We can write a generic solution that is easy to understand using split(), sort() and join() methods:

function anagramChecker(str1, str2) { if (str1.length === str2.length) { if (formattedString(str1) == formattedString(str1)) return true; else return false; } else return false; } function formattedString(str) { return str.toLowerCase().split(‘’).sort().join(‘’); }

This solution’s complexity will be n log(n) due to Array.sort() operation.

iii) Using Objects Comparison (O(3n)):

We can convert both strings into object
e.g. anagramChecker(‘Trap’, ‘Part’) will firstly convert
‘Trap’=> {a: 1, p: 1, r: 1, t: 1} and ‘Part’ => {a: 1, p: 1, r: 1, t: 1}
and then compare those 2 objects:

function anagramChecker(str1, str2) { if (str1.length === str2.length) { let obj1 = toObj(str1.toLowerCase()); let obj2 = toObj(str2.toLowerCase()); for (i in obj1) { if (obj1[i] !== obj2[i]) return false; } return true } else return false; } function toObj(str) { let obj = {}; for (i of str) { obj[i] = (obj[i] || 0) + 1; } return obj; }

The complexity of this will be 3(n) due to 3 for loops (2 for converting string into object and 1 for objects comparison).
However this will take a bit more space complexity, as we are converting string into objects. Thus, if we do not have space crunch this will be a best solution.

Time Complexity matrix graph notation

By looking at the graph, you might have understood that we can not choose solution 1 due to very high Time complexity. However, we can choose from the solution 2 and 3 according to the convenience and choice of complexity.

Please let me know which one suits you best and why in the comment section.




Krupa Bhatt
Writer for

Web UI Developer, Currently working as a Technical Lead in Globant. Keen to learn new things.