The ABCs of Cybersecurity Culture as State of the Mind

Globant CyberSOC
Published in
8 min readDec 5, 2023
Cybersecurity — Image from Shutterstock

Welcome to the world of cybersecurity, where understanding the ABCs — Awareness, Behavior, and Culture — can make a difference in protecting ourselves online! In our digital age, being aware of email threats and learning about cybersecurity risks is essential. It’s not just about knowing the dangers; it’s about translating that knowledge into safe online habits. Discover the impact of our behavior, how simple actions like reporting accurately can prevent cyber disasters, and explore the power of organizational culture in building a strong defense. Join us as we unravel these concepts in a friendly, easy-to-understand way, empowering you to navigate the online world securely. Let’s begin this incredible voyage together and join forces to ensure a safer cyber realm for all!

Global Phishing Cyberattacks Infographic

Imagine the online world as a bustling marketplace where cybercriminals disguise themselves as trusted entities, attempting to trick unsuspecting individuals into divulging sensitive information. In this infographic adventure, we explore the top 5 global phishing email subjects, shedding light on deceptive messages like fake HR policies or urgent password change requests. By understanding these common tactics, you’ll be better equipped to recognize phishing attempts, ensuring your online safety. Think of it as your trusty guide, helping you navigate the digital landscape with confidence, one vigilant click at a time!

Phishing Cyberattacks Globally Infographic — Image from knowbe4

Phishing Email focused on HR and IT Admins

In the realm of cyber threats, a targeted phishing email aimed at HR and IT admins emerges as a potent weapon for malicious actors. Crafted with cunning precision, these deceptive messages often masquerade as urgent directives or system updates. HR personnel may receive seemingly innocuous emails regarding employee data updates or policy changes, while IT Admins could be targeted with urgent requests for system authentication or software upgrades. These phishing attempts exploit the trust placed in these roles, enticing recipients to divulge sensitive information or inadvertently download malicious attachments. Vigilance is paramount as these cyber adversaries leverage social engineering techniques to compromise organizational security. By fostering awareness and implementing robust cybersecurity protocols, HR and IT Admins can fortify their defenses against these targeted phishing attacks, preserving the integrity of sensitive corporate data.

These are the top 5 global phishing email Subjects:

  1. HR: Vacation Policy Update
  2. Password Check Required Immediately
  3. HR: Important: Dress Code Changes
  4. Adobe Sign: Your Performance Review
  5. HR: Please update W4 for file

A is for Awareness

Awareness is the first line of defense in cybersecurity.

You say I should… be cautious about emails, but why?

Inside cybersecurity, awareness stands as the foremost barricade against potential threats. It’s pivotal to recognize the significance of email vigilance and skepticism, particularly when faced with unsolicited or suspicious messages. This heightened awareness serves as a potent shield, capable of preventing phishing attacks and insidious malware infiltrations. Beyond mere defense, an in-depth understanding of these threats empowers individuals to make informed decisions, shaping a proactive posture against cyber adversaries.

The broad spectrum of cybersecurity threats, including malware, social engineering, and data breaches, requires a comprehensive awareness strategy. It provides us with the knowledge to navigate the digital landscape judiciously, making informed choices about our online activities. By imparting this awareness, individuals reinforce their capacity to take precautionary measures, establishing a resilient defense against the multifaceted challenges posed by cyber threats. In essence, a well-informed and vigilant approach to cybersecurity awareness forms the cornerstone of a robust defense, safeguarding digital realms from potential harm.

Awareness empowers us to protect our digital lives.

Empowerment in the field of cybersecurity is rooted in awareness, the pillar for safeguarding our digital lives. It’s not merely about recognizing potential risks but, more crucially, understanding and implementing security best practices. This heightened awareness serves as a catalyst, propelling individuals to take proactive measures to fortify their digital presence and protect personal information.

By fostering awareness, individuals gain the insight needed to navigate the intricate landscape of digital threats. Armed with this knowledge, they transcend mere reactivity, adopting a proactive posture that mitigates risks before they materialize. It’s a conscious effort to stay ahead of cyber adversaries, ensuring that digital vulnerabilities are identified and fortified. Essentially, awareness becomes a powerful tool, empowering individuals to navigate the digital realm with resilience and confidence, safeguarding not only their data but also contributing to the collective defense against evolving cyber threats.

B is for Behavior

Behavior influences our cybersecurity scorecard.

I think I should… use strong, unique passwords for my accounts.

In the intricate landscape of cybersecurity, behavior shapes the very foundation of our defense, and it will be reflected in a dashboard or scorecard with numbers, keys, and metrics such as rate and click rate. The reporting of these two metrics becomes the tangible indicators defining our cybersecurity behavior. By understanding and closely tracking these key metrics, specifically reporting the rate metric to measure how frequently security incidents are reported and the click rate metric to gauge the frequency of falling into phishing attempts, we can gain insights into the efficacy of our cybersecurity behavior.

The pillar for a robust cybersecurity posture lies in reporting accuracy. Ensuring our actions align with reality, high reporting accuracy becomes of the utmost importance. This precision diminishes the likelihood of overlooking threats, as security incidents are reported promptly and addressed accurately. This commitment to accuracy fortifies our cybersecurity behavior, fostering an environment where threats are identified, confronted, and neutralized with precision, ultimately contributing to a resilient and effective defense against evolving cyber risks.

The aftermath of our cybersecurity behavior unfolds in impact indicators — computer wipes, lost devices, and security incidents — painting a vivid picture of real-world consequences. These indicators elucidate how our actions reverberate throughout the organization, underscoring the significance of responsible cybersecurity behavior. Each computer wiped or lost device becomes a testament to the direct influence our actions wield on organizational security.

To fortify and refine our approach, the creation of a cybersecurity scorecard emerges as a strategic imperative. This comprehensive tool integrates metrics, reporting accuracy, and impact indicators, offering a holistic assessment of our cybersecurity behavior. The scorecard becomes a compass, quantifying the effectiveness of our actions and providing actionable insights for improvement. In this symbiotic relationship between measurement and enhancement, the cybersecurity scorecard becomes an invaluable instrument in fortifying our digital defenses and fostering a proactive cybersecurity culture.

The essence of a safer digital world lies in our behavior, meticulously reflected in the cybersecurity scorecard. This instrument transcends mere assessment; it becomes the keystone for fortifying our collective digital defense. Our behavior, tracked and quantified in the scorecard, emerges as the decisive factor in shaping a secure online landscape.

The cybersecurity scorecard serves as more than just a metric; it is a dynamic tool for perpetual improvement. By systematically measuring and enhancing our behavior, we pave the way for a safer digital environment. It becomes a roadmap, guiding us toward proactive measures that prevent emerging threats and bolster the resilience of our digital infrastructure. In the symbiotic relationship between our actions and the scorecard, we forge a pathway to a future where digital spaces are not only secure but also dynamically adaptive to the evolving landscape of cyber threats.

C is for Culture

Culture is the collective mindset of an organization.

We expect we should… all prioritize cybersecurity culture.

Within an organization, culture embodies the collective mindset, a powerful force that shapes every facet, including cybersecurity. To foster a robust cybersecurity culture, adherence to meticulous survey guidelines is key. These guidelines advocate for brevity (less than 10 minutes), pragmatism, focus, transparency, reliability, validity, and unbiased inquiry.

Following these survey guidelines is not a mere procedural step; it’s the bedrock of accurate culture assessment. Staying focused on surveys ensures that participants remain engaged, providing insights untainted by survey fatigue. Pragmatism and accuracy yield actionable data, while reliability and validity instill confidence in the results’ accuracy. Most importantly, a determined commitment to unbiased surveying guarantees an unobstructed view of the true state of the organization’s cybersecurity culture.

In essence, these survey guidelines are the architects of an accurate cybersecurity culture assessment, besides just getting simple data collection. They serve as the compass, guiding organizations to a comprehensive understanding of their cybersecurity culture and laying the groundwork for strategic improvements and fortifications in the face of evolving cyber threats.

The cornerstone of a resilient cybersecurity culture is laid by leadership, whose commitment to adhering to survey guidelines becomes the bedrock for organizational defense. Leadership’s unwavering dedication to following these guidelines in culture assessments establishes a solid foundation, ensuring that the cybersecurity culture is built on accurate and meaningful data.

A robust cybersecurity culture, guided by precise assessments, serves as an impregnable shield against evolving threats. The accuracy achieved in assessing the cybersecurity culture, thanks to the meticulous adherence to survey guidelines, empowers the organization. This empowerment extends beyond data collection; it becomes a catalyst for fostering a culture that collectively defends against cyber threats.

In this symbiotic relationship between leadership commitment, survey precision, and cultural resilience, organizations pave the way for a future where cybersecurity is not just a practice but an ingrained aspect of the organizational ethos. This proactive approach, rooted in accurate assessments and leadership dedication, positions the organization to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats with vigilance and resilience.

Influence — Image from Shutterstock


Together, we can protect our digital world.

Crafting a robust cybersecurity culture entails a strategic orchestration of influential factors. This involves leveraging the perceptible impact of peer pressure, garnering top-down support from executives, disseminating a strong message through middle-level management, nurturing peer-to-peer relationships, and implementing structured ambassador programs. These elements synergize to create a comprehensive defense fabric that permeates the organizational DNA.

Adherence to survey guidelines emerges as a keystone in this cultural evolution, ensuring that assessments are accurate and actionable. Beyond surveys, the cultivation of a potent cybersecurity culture becomes a collective responsibility. It requires fostering a culture that goes beyond mere compliance, covering every angle of the organizational landscape.

The ABCs of cybersecurity culture — Awareness, Behavior, and Culture — serve as guiding principles. By assimilating these principles into the organizational ethos, we collectively contribute to a safer digital environment. It’s a collaborative effort where each individual, from leadership to frontline employees, plays a vital role. Through this harmonized approach, organizations fortify themselves against cyber threats and actively contribute to the broader mission of creating a secure and resilient digital landscape for all.


