The Complete Guide to Crypto in Metaverse and the World of Blockchain

Anushri Dattaroy
Published in
13 min readAug 17, 2022
Source: GIPHY

The world of blockchain and its digital currencies may be complicated, but the potential for benefits is vast. The technology can streamline processes, cut costs, and increase security in industries like healthcare or finance. There are also many new terms and phrases entering the common lexicon, from blockchain to airdrops, Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) to tokens, that it’s easy to get lost.

The recent explosion of interest in crypto has led many people to ask what exactly these concepts mean for the future of money, investments, and trust. These developments herald a new way of thinking about value exchange, with implications that extend far beyond digital currencies.

Woody and buzz talk about Blockchain.

The change led by Blockchain

Before we get into the specifics of cryptocurrencies, we should first learn the fundamentals of blockchain technology. The blockchain is a distributed ledger that keeps track of all cryptocurrency transactions. It is a distributed database, which means it is hosted and updated by millions of computers around the world rather than in a single location. This is a significant departure from the centralized systems that have been the norm for centuries. Blockchain technology has numerous potential advantages. It can be used in any situation where information must be recorded and transferred between unknown parties. As a result, it can be applied in a wide range of industries, including healthcare, finance, and supply chain management.


Relationship between Blockchain and Crypto

Cryptocurrency and blockchain are two related but distinct concepts. The first is a digital currency that uses cryptography to secure transactions and control the creation of additional units. Cryptocurrency is typically issued and managed by a centralized authority, such as a bank or government institution. By contrast, a blockchain is a distributed database that maintains a continuously growing list of records called “blocks” using cryptography to ensure the integrity of each entry. Blockchain technology can be used to track virtually anything of value, including property ownership, medical data, financial transactions, and more.

Although some people confuse cryptocurrency with blockchain technology, they are two different things that can coexist in the same ecosystem. Cryptocurrency is an asset that can be used as a medium of exchange; it consists of digital tokens or coins that have a monetary value. Blockchain is an open network system that enables the maintenance of digital ledgers across multiple participants in an ecosystem.

Source: GIPHY

What are the impacts of Metaverse on the Cryptocurrency

The Metaverse is a digital universe that combines real-world assets with virtual ones to create an entirely new way of interacting with the world. It’s decentralized, transparent, and fully secure. And it could change the way we think about money.

Here’s how the Metaverse could change cryptocurrency: First of all, there are no barriers to entry. Anyone can create a wallet and start trading or investing in a wide range of virtual assets. That removes the biggest barrier to entry in the current financial system: cost.

The Metaverse also solves another problem that plagues cryptocurrencies today: liquidity. For example, if you want to buy Bitcoin, you have to go through a lengthy process of verifying your identity and making sure you have enough money to cover the transaction fee. This can be a major obstacle for first-time traders and investors who might not have the time or resources to do it.

Finally, the Metaverse offers an unparalleled sense of security. You don’t need to worry about hackers stealing your personal information or being tricked into sending crypto funds to a scammer’s wallet. Removing these obstacles opens up the entire financial system to anyone with an internet connection.

Source: GIPHY

Digital currencies and their function

One of the most important aspects of cryptocurrencies is that they are not required for blockchain functionality. They do, however, serve an important purpose. People can send and receive money using the blockchain without having to trust each other. It is because the funds are encrypted and can only be unlocked with the correct password. This means that even if someone gains access to the funds, they will be unable to transfer them unless they have the password. This is a critical security measure that keeps malicious actors from gaining access to the funds. The cryptocurrency serves as a form of digital money, but it does more than that. It protects the blockchain and prevents malicious actors from tampering with the records.

Source: Binance | GIPHY

Crypto Culture is shifting: From Bitcoin to Ether and everything in between

As the crypto landscape continues to shift and evolve, so does the focus of attention. Once the domain of Bitcoin maximalists, people’s perceptions of what constitutes a good investment in the crypto space are shifting as they become more aware of the vast array of possibilities inherent in the blockchain.

We are also witnessing the rise of a new breed of crypto enthusiasts who are more concerned with the currency’s functionality than with whether it will make them wealthy. For example, Ethereum, which is more than just a digital currency, is quickly becoming one of the most important blockchain technologies. Ethereum is a decentralized platform for smart contract creation and execution. This may not appear to be much, but it has the potential to change the way we conduct business.

Source: GIPHY

Ethereum and the Metaverse Partnership

Metaverse has formed one of the most important partnerships with Ethereum. This is due to the fact that Ethereum is yet another well-known space project. Despite their differences, the two are sufficiently similar to make a good partnership. The two projects worked together to find common ground. They have, however, been discussing their disagreements. This is beneficial because it allows both projects to learn from one another. One of the advantages of Metaverse’s partnership with Ethereum is the integration of smart contracts. This means that Metaverse users will have the same advantages as Ethereum users.


Metaverse Cryptocurrencies and Smart contracts will be a turning point

Smart Contracts

The concept of a smart contract is nothing new, but we are now beginning to see how it could have huge implications for business and our daily lives. A smart contract, which is essentially a self-executing contract embedded in code, is designed to automatically transfer payment when an agreed-upon condition is met (for example, when a specific shipment has been delivered or a service has been completed).

The goal of smart contracts is to create a seamless, automated and efficient way for people to interact with each other. Smart contracts have many advantages over traditional contracts, such as reduced costs, minimized disputes and lower risk.

In order to use blockchain technology to its full extent, it is important that cryptocurrency be built into smart contracts. By creating an ecosystem where digital assets can be transacted, we can create trustless and transparent systems between people while eliminating the need for third parties. Cryptocurrency could thus be used in transactions between financial institutions, governments or even businesses.

Cryptocurrencies and Metaverse Tokens

The most popular Metaverses are USDC (USD Coin) and VTHO (VeThor Token). USDC is a stablecoin that works like USD but is backed by cryptocurrency instead of fiat currency. VTHO is a token that can be used across different industries, making it useful in many different situations. Other examples of Metaverses include MetalSwap (XMT) and MetaMorph (METM). XMT is a cryptocurrency that works like bitcoin but with added privacy features, while METM is a token that can be used across different industries.

Here are four early-stage projects to keep an eye on that are bridging the crypto-metaverse divide:-

1. The Sandbox (CRYPTO: SAND) — The Sandbox is a user-created digital world in which users create and sell digital content. SAND is an in-game token built on the Ethereum blockchain network. SAND can be used to purchase virtual land, buildings, accessories, and other items as NFTs.

2. Decentraland (CRYPTO: MANA) — Decentraland (MANA) is a virtual world that uses the Ethereum blockchain. Participants can purchase land and develop it for games, avatars, and other experiences using the native token. Decentraland is controlled by the Decentraland DAO. The DAO allows token owners to vote on initiatives and new development.

3. Axie Infinity (CRYPTO: AXS) — Axie Infinity is a play-to-earn game where players train fantasy monsters called Axies, competing against other teams. Players can earn tokens by participating in the game, which they can spend on new Axies, training existing Axies to improve their traits, and virtual land.

4. CryptoBaristas — An NFT project, Crypto Baristas aims to connect the digital and physical worlds. Owners of a Crypto Barista character can visit Coffee Bros., a coffee-themed metaverse where other coffee aficionados can meet. This example demonstrates how NFTs can be used in real-world situations.

Metaverse tokens are outperforming every other crypto category in the current bear market, increasing by nearly 400% year on year. According to data from Kraken Intelligence and CoinGecko’s May 2022 market report, Decentraland’s MANA (up 41%), The Sandbox’s SAND (up 470%), Axie Infinity’s Axie Infinity Shards (AXS) (up 511%), and Stepn’s GMT (up 746%) are leading the gains.


Pros and Cons of Crypto

Crypto is a virtual currency. It is completely different from traditional money such as US Dollar or Euro, and it is also not tied to national currencies. This means that the value of cryptocurrencies can change at any time. You do not need to exchange your traditional money for crypto in order to use them.

There are many advantages to using crypto. First, they are anonymous. You can use crypto to pay for goods and services without giving any personal information to the merchant or service provider. You also have more control over your money. You can buy what you want when you want, instead of having to wait for a set time period before you can spend your money on things like credit cards. And lastly, they are very secure. Unlike traditional paper bills and coins, there are no counterfeiters and no way for hackers to get ahold of your private key to steal your funds.

However, there are some downsides too. Cryptocurrencies have proven to be a highly volatile asset, with rapid price swings and spectacular collapses. There are a number of reasons for this. At the top of the list is the speculative nature of cryptocurrencies. Early adopters were looking to get rich quick by investing in new cryptocurrencies before they became mainstream. This attracted a lot of people who saw massive profits when prices were rising. However, there are always people eager to get in on the action too, so as soon as prices start falling, everyone starts piling in at once. As a result, there’s a huge amount of downward pressure on prices.

There’s also a lot of uncertainty about what will happen next. Nobody knows if Bitcoin will become the dominant cryptocurrency or if it will be replaced by another one that is better suited to the market conditions. And nobody knows which other cryptocurrencies will gain popularity and value over time. So it’s hard to predict how any particular cryptocurrency would perform in a market full of unknowns.

And then there’s the issue of volatility itself. When something is highly speculative and volatile, it’s very possible that it could end up crashing suddenly and unexpectedly. The price could go down even if nobody was trying to cause it to go down. Cryptocurrencies are no exception to this rule; they can all crash at any time without warning, sometimes with huge risks.

Another is the cost of using cryptocurrency compared with traditional payment methods like credit cards or bank transfer fees. Finally, some people may be uncomfortable with the idea of using an anonymous form of money for everyday purchases like food, gasoline, etc.

Source: GIPHY

The problems with existing Blockchain Technology

To fully comprehend Metaverse’s potential, we must first examine the shortcomings of existing blockchain technology. Some of the most significant challenges facing blockchain technology include security issues, limited scalability, processing power requirements, energy consumption, reliability issues, and lack of user-friendliness.

Scalability — While the most popular blockchain networks can process tens of thousands of transactions per second, other networks struggle to handle even a few hundred. And even when a blockchain network does manage to scale, it often comes at the cost of speed, efficiency, or both. It makes them unfit for mainstream applications.

Concerns about privacy and security — Even though blockchain transactions are encrypted, they still leave a digital fingerprint that can be used to track transactions. Moreover, blockchain technology is not yet mature enough to guarantee its users complete trust and transparency.

Lack of interoperability — This occurs when two or more blockchains are unable to communicate with one another due to the fact that they are built on different architectures.

Source: GIPHY

How does Metaverse change this?

Cryptocurrency and the metaverse are growing together like two halves of a whole. Both technologies aim to create virtual spaces where users can interact with one another in different ways. And as cryptocurrencies become more mainstream, they’re also becoming more integrated with the wider world.

Scalable and transparent ecosystemThe main goal of Metaverse is to solve the issues associated with existing blockchain platforms such as scalability and transparency by connecting blockchains together. By building on the open-source infrastructure provided by the NEO blockchain, Metaverse aims to provide users with low transaction fees, fast confirmation times, and high TPS (transaction per second).

Unlike other popular cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, Metaverse is built on top of a public blockchain so all transactions are visible to all users. This allows developers to build more robust applications that are able to interact with users through smart contracts, self-destructing tokens, etc.

Trust will not be an issue — There are countless ways that cryptocurrency and the metaverse could change the future. One way is through increased trust. By creating crypto-based digital identities that users can control, you can build trust between people. This is especially useful for businesses, which can use digital identities to prove their legitimacy and prevent fraud.

The Metaverse blockchain provides a distributed and trustless ledger that allows users to create their own smart contracts, tokens, and digital assets. The metaverse blockchain also exists in multiple regions around the world to decentralize transactions and increase their utility. It also solves the problem of third-party trust by using intelligent contracts to verify transactions (e.g., “This product was made in an ISO 14000 certified factory”).

Rise of DApps — Metaverse supports DApss, which can run on the Metaverse blockchain and can be used to create decentralized applications such as online games or voting systems.

Opportunities for Business transformation — Business and trading real estate assets is complicated in real life due to the involvement of middlemen like banks and regulatory agencies. A new idea of trading real estate and conducting business in this sector on the metaverse was introduced, which is trending all over the world right now. With this, a wide range of business opportunities is opened and an immense level of business ideas is arising. From gaming, sports, and entertainment to virtual world platforms, the growth and expansion of the metaverse along with cryptocurrency development are creating something extraordinary and lucrative.

Source: GIPHY


As we progress through this period of experimentation and exploration, the blockchain and its associated technologies are likely to become a part of everyday life. This will imply a shift from a centralized to a decentralized system, and from a world in which people make payments to one in which they exchange tokens.

The cryptocurrency landscape is evolving for the better. New projects are being developed, and existing ones are being improved. Metaverse is a cryptocurrency project that is changing the landscape. Metaverse’s blockchain is scalable and ready for widespread adoption. The blockchain has token functionality built-in, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. There are numerous reasons to be enthusiastic about Metaverse. This is a project with the potential to change the cryptocurrency world.

The Metaverse is in the early stage of interoperability. It is expected that the constant evolution and innovation will introduce thousands of interoperability-enabled Metaverse projects that can interact and complement each other. Decentralized technology and interoperability will empower the Metaverse. Without interoperability, the Metaverse will remain stretched to some limits, which will hamper its mass adoption.

Tokenization of assets and services will be a game-changer, and as more people become aware of the potential of blockchain technology, demand will skyrocket. This will almost certainly lead to a sustained increase in the value of crypto assets, as well as significant changes in how we interact with one another and conduct business. This isn’t just a shift in how we think about money and goods; it’s also a shift in how we think about trust. It will imply that trust is embedded in everything and that we will no longer need to rely on centralized authorities to verify veracity and authenticity. It will also mean that the possibilities for human connection and collaboration will be endless.

