The Symbiosis of Accessibility Testing Tools and SEO

Accessibility tools and SEO enhance inclusivity online

Rohan Hemnani
6 min readFeb 12, 2024


In the ever-changing digital world, it is crucial to prioritize the creation of an inclusive online experience. As the internet becomes an essential part of our daily lives, it is not only a legal obligation but also a moral responsibility to ensure that websites are accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities. Accessibility testing tools are vital in achieving this objective. Their impact goes beyond mere compliance, influencing various aspects of digital presence, including search engine optimization (SEO).

This article explores the importance of accessibility testing tools, their role in promoting inclusivity, and how they can work together with SEO practices to enhance online presence.

Accessibility Testing Tools and Their Importance:

Accessibility testing tools are crucial for assessing how well a website meets established accessibility standards, like the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). These tools help find and fix obstacles that might make it hard for users with disabilities to use a site effectively. Some well-known accessibility testing tools are axe Accessibility, WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool), and Siteimprove.

These tools are important because they systematically evaluate a website’s accessibility features. They look through web pages, analyze content, and generate reports highlighting areas needing improvement. This isn’t just about following the rules; it’s about making a website welcoming to everyone.

Businesses using accessibility testing tools can build a better reputation, reach more users, and create a positive brand image. Also, accessible websites are more likely to appear higher in search engine results, which indirectly helps with SEO.

How Accessibility Testing Tools Can Aid in SEO Optimization

Accessibility testing tools contribute significantly to SEO optimization by improving user experience, aligning content structure with keywords, and ensuring mobile-friendly designs with faster loading times. They indirectly enhance SEO rankings by addressing accessibility concerns aligned with search engine preferences for user-friendly, well-structured, responsive websites.

  • Enhanced User Experience: Improving website accessibility for users with disabilities leads to a better experience for everyone. This positive experience significantly impacts SEO rankings since search engines like Google prioritize sites offering a seamless and enjoyable user journey. Accessibility testing tools play a role in identifying and fixing issues that may affect user experience, indirectly contributing to improved SEO performance.
  • Alignment of Keywords and Content: Accessibility testing tools often point out content structure and organization concerns. Addressing these issues helps ensure that content is well-organized and aligned with targeted keywords. Search engines prefer websites with explicit and relevant content, and accessibility testing tools can guide content creators in optimizing material for both accessibility and SEO.
  • Design for Mobile Friendliness: Many accessibility testing tools assess a website’s mobile responsiveness. As mobile device usage becomes more prevalent, search engines prioritize mobile-friendly websites. Accessibility tools indirectly contribute to SEO by ensuring sites are optimized for various devices, increasing their chances of ranking higher in mobile search results.
  • Quicker Loading Times: Certain accessibility issues, like the excessive use of large media files or poorly optimized code, can affect a website’s loading speed. Accessibility testing tools often identify these performance-related issues. Page speed is a ranking factor for search engines, including Google. Resolving accessibility-related loading issues helps websites improve their speed, positively influencing SEO rankings.
  • Structured Data and Rich Snippets: Accessibility testing tools ensure that websites implement structured data in an accessible way for all users, including those with disabilities. This not only enhances overall accessibility but also contributes to generating rich snippets in search results. Rich snippets can boost click-through rates and offer additional context to search engines, improving SEO.

Examples of Accessibility tools

Tools like axe Accessibility, WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool), and NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access) are crucial in identifying and resolving web accessibility issues. These tools assist in ensuring compliance with standards like WCAG, enhancing the online experience for users with diverse needs. Other notable tools include Siteimprove, ACCESSIBLE, and Deque WorldSpace.

*The image is the logo of AXE tool
*The image is the logo of axe tool

axe Accessibility

Developed by Deque Systems, axe Accessibility is a powerful and widely used browser extension for Chrome and Firefox. One of the key features of the extension is that it allows developers and testers to run automated accessibility tests on web pages, providing detailed reports on issues that need attention. axe Accessibility supports the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and is known for its user-friendly interface.

*The image is the logo of WAVE tool
*The image is the logo of the WAVE tool

WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool)

WAVE is a suite of evaluation tools offered by WebAIM (Web Accessibility In Mind). One of the key features is that it allows users to evaluate web content for accessibility issues directly within their web browsers. WAVE identifies errors and facilitates the understanding of the web content’s structure. It is available as a browser extension (Chrome and Firefox) and an online tool and can also be integrated into development environments.

*The image is the logo of Siteimprove tool
*The image is the logo of the Siteimprove tool


Siteimprove is a comprehensive web accessibility platform that provides tools and solutions to help organizations optimize their online presence. The key feature of this tool is that it includes modules for web accessibility, SEO, quality, policy and compliance, analytics, and more. Siteimprove’s Accessibility module is specifically designed to identify and address accessibility issues on websites, ensuring compliance with standards such as WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).

*The image is the logo of NVDA tool
*The image is the logo of the NVDA tool

NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access)

NVDA is a free and open-source screen reader for Microsoft Windows. Developed by NV Access, the main feature of this tool is that it provides a voice-driven interface to help users with visual impairments navigate through web content and applications. NVDA is frequently used in accessibility testing to ensure that websites and digital content are compatible with screen readers, allowing developers to identify and address potential barriers.

*The image is the logo of Accessibe tool
*The image is the logo of the Accessibe tool


AccessiBe is an AI-driven web accessibility solution designed to enhance website accessibility for individuals with disabilities. A key feature of the tool is that it uses an automated process and dynamically adjusts user interface elements, improves keyboard navigation, and optimizes screen reader compatibility. AccessiBe supports personalization, ensures continuous monitoring, and is compatible with various websites. Keep in mind that for a comprehensive approach, manual accessibility testing is also recommended. Please check the official website for the latest updates.

*The image is the logo of Deque tool
*The image is the logo of Deque tool

Deque WorldSpace

Deque WorldSpace is a comprehensive enterprise-level accessibility testing tool. Its key feature is that it provides automated testing, monitoring, and reporting features to ensure ongoing accessibility compliance. WorldSpace supports various platforms, including web, mobile, and desktop applications. It is suitable for large organizations with complex digital ecosystems that require continuous monitoring and maintenance of accessibility standards.


In today’s digital world, making websites accessible isn’t just about following the law — it’s a smart move. Accessibility testing tools become reliable helpers in this effort, offering a systematic way to find and fix potential issues. These tools go beyond just meeting rules; they also have a big say in how well a website does in search engine rankings.

The teamwork between accessibility testing tools and SEO is clear — they both want to make the user experience better. Fixing accessibility issues doesn’t just help users with disabilities; it makes the website friendlier for everyone. When a website is enjoyable for users, search engines like it, too, boosting its rankings.

For businesses aiming to stand out online, using accessibility testing tools in development and optimization is no longer a choice — it’s a smart move. This decision ensures not just following the rules but also sticking to the ideas of including everyone and focusing on users. In the always-changing internet world, where users and search engines keep changing, good teamwork between accessibility testing tools and SEO is vital for creating a solid and meaningful online presence.

