Fan Engagement: When supporters become protagonists

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2 min readJun 12, 2019

When we speak about Sports Teams or Athletes, ‘Fan Engagement’ is a buzzword that regularly comes up. What does it mean? How could it really make a change in the relationship between idols and their audience?

In this new era of Sports, changes occur daily. Main characters must adapt to the new technologies while allowing supporters to get closer to their idols or favourite teams.

That’s when ‘Fan Engagement’ appears. Usually a Buzzword on this topic, what does it really mean? Basically, it’s the need or the plan that an athlete or Sports Team makes to generate a deeper and really rooted relationship with supporters.

But this goes both ways: “A fresh approach to the manner in which your fans connect to the athletes on your roster, and the manner in which a club or brand communicates with the fan base”, explains ‘The Connected Fan’.

On it’s journey to end inequality in Sports, Globatalent allows Fan Tokens on its platform. The idea is simple: when an athlete or team needs to raise money for a specific goal, nothing is better than being funded by your own supporters, which will also become protagonists of their idols careers.

Do not underestimate Cryptocurrency growth among the world of Sports. Each day, more athletes and teams acknowledge the importance of joining this new era. Fans will no longer be left out: now they are an active part of this world.

By Federico López Frey.

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