Obscure Jobs After Leaving Football. Blockchain Changes Sports Plan, Not Career.

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5 min readApr 25, 2018

The sports industry is worth billions of dollars and provides entertainment for the whole world. This would not be possible without the many talented sports people who entertain globally with their incredible skills and competitive edge. The short career of an athlete leads to many not knowing where to go and what to do when their career as a player comes to an abrupt end. After spending all their adult life in one career, many do not know what to do after they retire and leave the world of sport for good, when perhaps they do not need or want to. In previous articles we have discussed the struggles of making it to professional status but in this article, we explore the fun side of retirement, the change in career path for some world-famous footballing names and how blockchain decentralization can help keep these footballers within the game.

The English Premier League is the most watched and competitive league in the world. Since its incorporation in 1992, the league has produced hundreds of world famous footballers who have played week in week out in front of tens of thousands of people. People assume that when the lights go out and the boots are hung up, these players stay within the sport at some level, but the reality is very different. Here are a few interesting career choices from players who showcased their skills at the highest level of English football.

Philip Mulryne was a former Manchester United prodigy who played alongside Ryan Giggs and David Beckham. Dribbling through the wings with his pacey skill, Mulryne picked up 27 caps for the Northern Ireland national team and during his heyday dated very famous glamour models. Since his retirement in 2008, Mulryne no longer ties up his boots or pulls up his football socks, instead swapping his strip for a cassock. He decided to find his spiritual self and in 2009 enrolled on a journey to become a priest. Following several years of studying in both Italy and Ireland, The Archbishop of Dublin ordained Mulryne and he is now a member of the Dominican Order.

Mulryne is just one name on a long list of footballers who have pursued completely different career paths. He may have found God at the end of his career, but another ex Premier League man, who was born in the country that created ‘The Hand Of God’ took a different path at what was arguably his peak within the sport. Argentinian Dani Osvaldo cost Southampton £15 million when he signed for them in 2013, after a phenomenal goal scoring record in Italy’s Serie A with Roma. Only 3 years later, at the age of 30, Dani Osvaldo quit the game for good to make money in a different way. He has formed a band and is now creating music and playing to small audiences across bars in Barcelona. This is only the start of his musical journey and he is hoping that his band will achieve fame as they return to his home country of Argentina to try and increase their exposure.

Dani Osvaldo will be hoping that success in the music industry will not be too hard to find. If he needs help finding it though, he can hire another ex Premier League player to aid him. Former Wigan Athletic legend Arjan De Zeeuw used to scare attacking players with his no-nonsense solid defensive style. Today, he can be found solving and stamping out crime in his work as a detective in his native Holland. De Zeeuw, who was once oddly cited by former Prime Minister Tony Blair as his favourite ever footballer, has used his skills in stopping scary attackers on a sporting level to now stopping scary attackers on a criminal level.

These are just a few names on a long list of several different careers ex-Premier League players now find themselves in. Firemen, Fishermen, Butchers, Actors, Call Centre Agents — the list is endless. Even though Mulryne, Osvaldo and De Zeeuw took their own decisions based on their personal preferences, there are several hundred ex footballers who are put in a position where they have no choice but to change career.

Many footballers have dreamt of playing in the top division of English football since they were children. They have worked incredibly hard to achieve professional status, and even harder to remain there. They start earning money from playing their favourite sport in their teenage years and this is the only life that they know. When it ends, whether through injury, old age or loss of ability, few other career options remain. Punditry is for the privileged and select few high-profile names who have a strong media presence from their playing days. Another option is to go into coaching — but without a club, there is little support available to be able to progress. The club will only support a player who has spent several playing years at the club to move into the capacity of coaching on their paybook. This leaves many without a place to go, no route left in their chosen sport, and their career abruptly ended.

Blockchain decentralization can change this. Projects such as Globatalent can provide a platform for these footballers to change their sports plans and receive the support and investment they need to progress onto the next level of their career. This does not just apply to football, this is a platform that is available to every sport in every country all over the world.

Bringing blockchain decentralization to the world of sport creates endless opportunities and Globatalent promises to help any sporting talent with ability and opportunity to raise fair investment that previously would never have been available due to economic reasons. This does not affect only young players but can affect any athlete who has nowhere to go once their playing career is over. Their sporting careers do not have to end when they finish playing and their sporting plan can change. Most athletes do not have the financial or economic support to carry on in the sporting world when they receive an injury or retire from a playing aspect. Blockchain decentralization can offer a change in sporting plan and enables fans and investors to invest in the ‘future coach’ or the ‘future manager’ or even the ‘future sports scientist’.

Blockchain decentralization can change the future of sports and platforms like Globatalent can prolong an athletes career by changing their sports plan. Globatalent is a project that is making a massive impact in an industry worth billions of dollars and it will change the sporting world forever and for the better.

By Rob Spitz

Press Manager

For more information, please see www.globatalent.com

Press Contact: Rob Spitz (rob@globatalent.com)

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